Kylin Operating System

An operating system (OS) is a group of programs that controls computer hardware resources and offers standard services to software applications. The Operating System (OS) serves as a conduit between you and the computer components when you first use a computer system. The operating system is actually a type of low-level software known as a "system software," which powers a computer's fundamental operations like memory management, task scheduling, and peripheral control.

Overview and History of Kylin OS

The National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) in China created the Linux-based operating system known as Kylin. Since its initial introduction in 2007, it has gained popularity among Chinese governmental bodies, academic institutions, and other organizations.

A secure and dependable operating system that could satisfy the requirements of governmental and military organizations was the motivation behind the creation of Kylin OS, which was started in 2001 by the Chinese Ministry of Information Industry. The job of creating the operating system fell to the National University of Defense Technology, and work on the undertaking started in 2002.

To be a dependable and safe operating system that could satisfy the particular requirements of the Chinese market, Kylin OS was created. Based on the Debian and Ubuntu Linux versions, it has been modified to include a number of Chinese businesses' and organizations' proprietary software, including Kingsoft Office, WPS Office, and the China National Grid program.

Kylin OS has developed over time, with new versions being published on a regular basis. The most recent Kylin OS version as of 2021 is Kylin 4.0, which was published in 2018. The operating system is one of China's most important technological achievements and is extensively used there.

Kylin OS architecture and design

Based on the Linux kernel, Kylin Operating System (Kylin OS) has a framework and design that are tailored to the unique requirements of the Chinese market. Some of the most important features of Kylin OS's architecture and style include the following −

  • Kernel − The Linux kernel, which powers the essential features of the operating system, is the foundation upon which Kylin OS is built.

  • Desktop environment − Kylin OS makes use of the Unity desktop environment, which has an intuitive user interface and a number of tools for managing files and apps.

  • File system − Ext4 is a well-liked option for Linux-based operating systems, and Kylin OS employs it.

  • Security Features − Features that promote security include a firewall, intrusion detection system, and secure boot procedure. Kylin OS places a high priority on security. Support for Chinese cryptographic standards is also included.

  • Software pre-installed − Kingsoft Office, WPS Office, and the China National Grid program are just a few of the apps that come pre-installed with the Kylin OS operating system.

  • Localization − Chinese input methods are supported by Kylin OS, which has been localized to accommodate the language.

  • Virtualization − The KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) hypervisor, which enables users to operate virtual machines on the operating system, is included in Kylin OS as support for virtualization.

  • Package management − The Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) package management system is used by Kylin OS to make it simple for users to install, delete, and administer software packages on the platform.

Commands used in Kylin OS

Here are some basic commands that can be used in Kylin Operating System −

ls − lists the files and directories in the current directory

cd − changes the current directory to the specified directory

pwd − prints the current working directory

mkdir − creates a new directory

touch − creates a new empty file or updates the timestamp of an existing file

cp − copies files or directories

mv − moves or renames files or directories

rm − removes files or directories

cat − displays the contents of a file

grep − searches for a specific pattern in a file

ps − lists the currently running processes

top − displays the system resource usage in real-time

sudo − allows the user to run a command with administrative privileges

apt-get − package manager for installing and updating software in the system.

Applications and use cases for Kylin OS

China uses the Kylin Operating System (Kylin OS) for a wide range of applications and use cases, especially for government and military groups, research institutions, and other organizations with specialized security needs. The following are a few of the main uses and apps for Kylin OS −

  • Government and military organizations in China are especially well-suited to use Kylin OS because of its strong focus on security and support for Chinese cryptographic standards.

  • Kylin OS is also used in Chinese research facilities, especially in the fields of big data, artificial intelligence, and other disciplines requiring high-performance computing.

  • China's universities and schools primarily use Kylin OS to teach computer science and other technical topics.

  • In China, industrial control systems, especially those for vital infrastructure like power grids and transportation systems, use the Kylin OS operating system.

  • China's small and medium-sized businesses that need a dependable and secure operating system can use Kylin OS for a range of business applications.

  • People in China who want to use a safe and regionalized operating system, especially those who use the Chinese language and apps most frequently, can use the Kylin OS.


With an emphasis on protection, localization, and customization, the Kylin Operating System was created specifically for the Chinese market. It is built on the Linux kernel and consists of a number of software parts that have been specifically designed to satisfy the needs of governmental and military agencies, academic institutions, and other organizations with stringent security requirements.

Updated on: 03-May-2023


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