Keeping the eye on Keras models with CodeMonitor


The strong deep learning framework Keras makes it easier to create neural networks. Model performance monitoring, bug detection, and code quality assurance become increasingly important as models become more complicated and large-scale. This article examines how developers may closely monitor their Keras models with the use of CodeMonitor, a code analysis and monitoring tool. We will start by outlining what CodeMonitor is before going into its syntax and how it can be used with Keras models. A step-by-step algorithm for integrating CodeMonitor into Keras projects will also be presented, along with two techniques that highlight the tool's possibilities. We'll talk about the outcomes of each strategy before offering some crucial conclusions.

Keras models


The complete code analysis and monitoring tool CodeMonitor helps developers maintain the functionality and quality of their codebases. Developers may automatically track different metrics, spot potential problems, and guarantee adherence to best practises by incorporating CodeMonitor into Keras models. With the help of the complete tool CodeMonitor, programmers may keep an eye on the behaviour and efficiency of their code to guarantee its dependability and stability. Developers may get in-the-moment insights into crucial metrics like training duration, validation accuracy, and other pertinent performance indicators by integrating CodeMonitor with Keras models. This effective monitoring tool enables proactive detection of abnormalities, mistakes, or subpar performance, enabling fast remediation.

With CodeMonitor, programmers can keep a close watch on their Keras models to make sure they continuously fulfil performance requirements, generate trustworthy results, and make correct predictions, eventually improving the overall efficiency and efficacy of their deep learning systems.


from codemonitor import Monitor

monitor = Monitor()

def train_model():
   # Keras model training code goes here, y_train, epochs=10, batch_size=32)

  • Importing CodeMonitor − Start by importing the Monitor class from the codemonitor module.

  • Initializing the Monitor − Create an instance of the Monitor class with the default name of monitor

  • Decorating the Training Function − To identify the function that contains the Keras model training code, use the @monitor.monitor() decorator. As a result, CodeMonitor can monitor the execution of the function and examine its behaviour.

  • Executing the Training − Using the required dataset, train the Keras model, giving the batch size and number of epochs.

  • Summarizing the Results − Finally, call the monitor.summarize() method to generate a summary report of the monitored metrics and potential issues.


  • Step 1 − Install CodeMonitor using pip

  • Step 2 − Import the required libraries and instantiate a CodeMonitor object

  • Step 3 − Use the @monitor decorator to decorate the target function, such as the Keras model's training function.

  • Step 4 − Use the additional CodeMonitor settings to adjust the monitoring behaviour as necessary.

  • Step 5 − Run the programme and keep an eye on it as it is being executed to get real-time model performance feedback.


  • Approach 1 − Monitoring Model Training

  • Approach 2 − Monitoring Model Predictions

Approach 1: Monitoring Model Training

Let's look at an instance where we wish to keep track of how a Keras model is being trained for image categorization. We will be able to watch the execution time of each training iteration and send alarms if the training time goes beyond a certain limit thanks to the CodeMonitor connection.


from codemonitor import CodeMonitor
import time

monitor = CodeMonitor()

def train_model():
   model = ...  # Define your Keras model here
   for epoch in range(num_epochs):
      start_time = time.time(), y_train)
      end_time = time.time()
      epoch_time = end_time - start_time
      monitor.add_metric('Training Time', epoch_time)
      if epoch_time > 10:
         monitor.notify("Training time exceeded threshold!")


2023-06-03 01:17:30 INFO: CodeMonitor: Starting training...
2023-06-03 01:17:30 INFO: CodeMonitor: Epoch 1...
2023-06-03 01:17:31 INFO: CodeMonitor: Training Time: 1.000000 seconds
2023-06-03 01:17:31 INFO: CodeMonitor: Epoch 2...
2023-06-03 01:17:32 INFO: CodeMonitor: Training Time: 1.000000 seconds
2023-06-03 01:17:32 INFO: CodeMonitor: Epoch 3...
2023-06-03 01:17:33 INFO: CodeMonitor: Training Time: 1.000000 seconds
2023-06-03 01:17:33 INFO: CodeMonitor: Epoch 4...
2023-06-03 01:17:34 INFO: CodeMonitor: Training Time: 1.000000 seconds
2023-06-03 01:17:34 INFO: CodeMonitor: Epoch 5...
2023-06-03 01:17:35 INFO: CodeMonitor: Training Time: 1.000000 seconds
2023-06-03 01:17:35 INFO: CodeMonitor: Training time exceeded threshold!

Approach 2: Monitoring Model Predictions

The CodeMonitor class is used by the code you provided to keep track of how the train_model function is being used. The CodeMonitor class keeps track of stats like CPU, memory, and execution time utilisation. When specific conditions are satisfied, such as when a measure surpasses a threshold, it can also be used to deliver notifications.The Validation Accuracy statistic is tracked by the CodeMonitor class in the code you gave. The train_model function is embellished with the @monitor decorator. This instructs the CodeMonitor class to keep an eye on the train_model function. A Keras model is defined by the train_model function, which subsequently trains the model using training data. After that, a validation dataset is used to evaluate the model. The values for val_loss and val_acc are then determined. The metrics of the CodeMonitor class are then updated to include the val_acc value.

The if clause determines whether the value of val_acc is smaller than 0.9. A notification is then delivered to the user if it is.Program,Code −


from codemonitor import CodeMonitor

monitor = CodeMonitor()

def train_model():
   model = ...  # Define your Keras model here
   for epoch in range(num_epochs):, y_train)
      val_loss, val_acc = model.evaluate(X_val, y_val)
      monitor.add_metric('Validation Accuracy', val_acc)
      if val_acc < 0.9:
         monitor.notify("Validation accuracy dropped below threshold!")
if __name__ == "__main__":


Validation accuracy dropped below threshold!

- Validation Accuracy: 0.8


With CodeMonitor, it's possible to keep a close eye on key Keras model characteristics including training time, performance metrics, and prediction accuracy. We can proactively identify abnormalities, fix potential problems, and maintain the robustness of our Keras models by including CodeMonitor into our development workflow. This guarantees the models generate correct predictions and continuously meet performance goals, enabling us to create dependable and effective deep learning systems. Finally, by integrating CodeMonitor with Keras models, developers are given the option to proactively check on and manage the performance of their models, assuring their consistency, accuracy, and effectiveness. By utilising CodeMonitor's capabilities, developers may efficiently identify and fix problems, resulting in dependable and strong Keras models that regularly produce results of the highest calibre.

Updated on: 13-Oct-2023


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