Just a Minute Sessions and How They Help Students

Communication is the key to success. Not every individual that you meet in life will be good at communication. Anyone and everyone can deliver prepared speeches, but that is not how you should be judging an individual’s communication skills. The real test lies in surprises. Today, the most trending communication gauge is the JAM session. In this article, we will be taking a deep look into the meaning of JAM sessions, how an individual can excel in the JAM sessions, what benefits an individual generally receives by practicing for the JAM session, and what different topics a speaker can prepare for the JAM activities.

Just a Minute Session

Just A Minute (JAM) Sessions are one-minute impromptu speeches. Here, the speaker is presented with a topic on the podium and is given 10–30 seconds to think about it and assimilate all their ideas. After the thinking period is over, the individual is given a minute to express their views on that particular topic. It might seem like something easy and fluent, but what makes it difficult is nervousness, fear of failure, the strangers sitting in front of you, the evaluation process, limited knowledge, the inability to think on your feet, filler words, and the long pauses. JAM activities are a part of the interview curriculum of many renowned educational institutions as well as companies.

Some Tips and Tricks to Succeed in the JAM Activities

Since you will be given the JAM topic on the stage or just 30 seconds before you have to start speaking, it would be really helpful if you could keep some generalized points mentioned below in mind.

  • Always start with a question or quotation − While you are interviewing, keep in mind that you are giving the interview for the first time, but that the interviewer has seen many candidates similar to you. For them, it is a job, and they want to be out of it as soon as possible. If you are speaking in front of an audience, you will not be the only speaker. Hence, it is critical for you to grab their attention. Starting with a question or quotation will force them to listen to you. Questions are easy to prepare, but for the quotations, make sure you start learning the quotations from varied fields.

  • Try adding your personal experience or some anecdotes in the speech − One minute or 60 seconds is a long enough time. You can start with a quotation and question, share your view on the topic, and it could be just the end of 30 seconds. Always include personal experiences or anecdotes in your speeches to ensure that you stay in the game until the end. It will give you content to speak about and something that you are comfortable with as well.

  • Relate to the topic − We often see speakers drift away from the topic or just speak about half of the topic. Well, this creates a negative impact on the audience and the evaluators. Always ensure that you are using anecdotes, questions, or quotations that are relevant to the topic. You could also mention your JAM topic once in the 60-second time period to show them that you remember it.

  • Use hand gestures while speaking  If you have your hands in your pocket, folded in front of you, or behind your back, it shows that you are nervous and not confident. Always use your hands while speaking. This also puts an emphasis on the content that you are delivering.

  • Avoid long pauses and filler words; do not go blank on stage. If you cannot find the right words or you feel like the content is exhausted, try giving examples or picking up where you left off. In the JAM activity, giving up is the most humiliating thing you could do. Keep the spirit up and your tongue running.

  • Avoid filler words − What irritates an audience the most are the filler words that we use while we deliver a speech. Filler words could be and, uh, um, actually, probably, basically, and some Hinglish words as well. Be mindful of those as they add negative marks to your portfolio.

  • Start reading − The most critical root for success in JAM sessions will be reading. For speaking in the JAM session, you need content, and this content will be provided to you through books and newspapers.

Benefits of Conducting JAM Activities

  • Builds Self-Confidence − Being able to deliver quality content in front of an audience without prior preparation will boost your confidence.

  • Improves your oral communication skills − In today's market, communication skills are the most sought-after soft skill. With good oral communication, you can deliver your ideas and captivate the mind of the listener.

  • Helps in time management − JAM sessions are all about time management. If you speak for more than a minute or less than a minute, it means you were not able to plan your tonality, speed, and content in a proper manner.

  • Helps in facing interviews and large audiences − If you can master the JAM session, you should be ready to say goodbye to stage fright and public speaking issues. JAM is the ultimate test of your speaking skills.

  • Helps in developing your presentation skills − Hand gestures, good communication skills, and oral communication all aid in giving impactful presentations in the corporate world.

  • Shows an individual's knowledge − Because you are given the topic only 30 seconds before the JAM session, it helps the audience gauge the individual's knowledge. An individual who is not abreast with current affairs, industry knowledge, or domain knowledge will ride in a circle or run off track.

  • Assists the speaker in developing problem-solving abilities − JAM sessions are nothing but a test of your problem-solving skills. You have limited time, knowledge, and resources for delivering good content.

Some JAM Activity Topics

JAM activity topics are generally very random and abrupt, and this is what gives them beauty. The topics could be anything under the sun, so it's better to start reading. However, to get the ball rolling, you can start preparing on some of the topics mentioned below −

  • Opinion on a particular brand or product

  • Your role model and why

  • State of the Indian Economy

  • Your view on Ukraine and the Russian war

  • How do you plan to combat air pollution?

  • What are your views on climate change?

  • Life is a cupcake, highlighter, pen, and others

  • Your views on the social media platforms

  • World War

  • T-shirt

  • Laughter is the best medicine.

  • The citizenship amendment act

  • Pandemic and the World

  • Work from home or in an office model

  • Happiness

The JAM session is really helpful for all corporate workers and students. It is even helpful for people in their day-to-day activities. It helps individuals address the public and create an impression with their content; after all, good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity.

Updated on: 09-Feb-2023

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