Jupyter notebook VS Python IDLE


Python is a flexible and strong programming language that gives programmers a variety of tools and environments to create and run their code in. Two popular Python programming environments, Jupyter Notebook and Python IDLE, each have their unique advantages and capabilities. The definitions, features, processes, and use cases of Jupyter Notebook and Python IDLE will be thoroughly compared in this paper. By the conclusion, you will have a thorough understanding of different environments, allowing you to choose the one that best meets your coding requirements.


Jupyter Notebook

Users can create and share interactive documents known as notebooks using the open-source web application Jupyter Notebook. Live code, visualisations, narrative prose, equations, and multimedia content are all combined in these notebooks. Python is the most well-liked of the programming languages supported by Jupyter Notebook. Its browser-based user interface makes interactive and exploratory coding possible.

Python IDLE

An integrated programming environment called Python IDLE (Integrated programming and Learning Environment) comes pre-installed with the common Python distribution. It offers a simple, lightweight interface with speedy code execution that is geared towards novices. With features like syntax highlighting and a Python shell for quick code execution and experimentation, Python IDLE provides a simple text editor.

Features and Capabilities

Jupyter Notebook

  • Code Organisation − Jupyter Notebook enables the organisation of code into cells that can be executed separately or in a predetermined order. This function encourages the use of modular and participatory coding.

  • Rich Output − Plots, tables, pictures, and interactive widgets can all be displayed in Jupyter Notebook. This feature makes it easier to visualise data and convey stories within the notebook.

  • Support for Markdown − Users who use Notebooks can generate styled text, headings, lists, and even mathematical equations using Markdown, a lightweight markup language.

  • Collaboration and Sharing − Jupyter Notebook makes it simple to collaborate by letting users share their notebooks in a variety of formats, including HTML, PDF, and executable notebooks, via Jupyter's cloud-based platform, JupyterHub.

Python IDLE

  • Simpleness and Ease of Use − Python IDLE has a user-friendly interface that is basic and intuitive, making it a great option for new programmers and those seeking a minimal work environment.

  • Rapid code execution is possible with Python IDLE, which provides an interactive Python shell. For quick experimentation and testing short pieces of code, this functionality is helpful.

  • Basic Editing capabilities − Python IDLE has basic editing capabilities that make coding easier, like syntax highlighting, indentation support, and code completion.

Workflow and Usage

Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook encourages a dynamic and exploratory workflow. Typically, users mix code, visualisations, and explanations to create notebooks. Since these notebooks run cell by cell, users may see interim findings and make changes as necessary. In data science, research, and teaching, where data analysis, visualisation, and documentation are crucial requirements, Jupyter Notebook is frequently utilised.

Python IDLE

The best uses of Python IDLE are for rapid prototyping, interactive programming, and testing short pieces of code. Users write code in the editor and immediately run it in the Python shell in a linear approach. Python beginners or developers working on small-scale projects that don't require comprehensive documentation or visualisation features frequently prefer Python IDLE.

Use Cases

Jupyter Notebook

  • Data Analysis and Visualisation − Jupyter Notebook is a great tool for data analysis activities since it combines code with visualisations, such interactive charts and graphs. Its skills in this area are improved by its support for libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.

  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence − The Jupyter Notebook is commonly used in these fields. Its interactive features make it easier to experiment with models, generate new ones, and share research findings.

  • Documentation and Presentations − Jupyter Notebook's capacity to integrate markdown text, equations, and graphics makes it an ideal environment for coding documentation, concept clarification, and presentation development.

Python IDLE

  • Learning Python − Python IDLE is a useful tool for novices learning Python programming due to its simplicity and immediate code execution. Its dynamic environment enables students to experiment and see the outcomes in real time.

  • Small-scale Scripting − Python IDLE works great for creating and testing short scripts or quickly completing easy tasks. For these situations, its portability and ease of use make it an advantageous option.

Comparison in Practice

Let's look at an example where we add two integers to show the differences between Jupyter Notebook and Python IDLE.

Jupyter Notebook

# Cell 1
num1 = 5

# Cell 2
num2 = 10

# Cell 3
sum_result = num1 + num2

# Cell 4

The code is written in distinct cells in Jupyter Notebook, allowing for independent execution. Users can deconstruct their logic and see intermediate results by using numerous lines of code per cell.

Python IDLE

num1 = 5
num2 = 10
sum_result = num1 + num2

The code is written in a single editor window while using Python IDLE. The output of the code is seen right away in the Python shell after it has been run.

User Interface

Jupyter Notebook

  • Web-based Interface − Jupyter Notebook uses a web browser to operate, giving it a recognisable and user-friendly interface. Locally installed software or cloud-based services like JupyterHub can be used by users to access and edit notebooks.

  • Cell-based Structure − Jupyter Notebook's interface is divided up into cells, allowing users to run code in more manageable chunks thanks to its cell-based structure. Iterative development is made easier and code modularity is improved by this.

Jupyter Notebook

  • Standalone Application −  Python IDLE is a standalone application that may be started right away on the user's computer. It offers a self-contained environment where Python code can be written and run.

  • Single Editor Window − Python IDLE provides users with a single editor window in which to write and edit their code. Direct execution of the code is possible in the Python shell.


Two separate Python programming environments, Jupyter Notebook and Python IDLE, each serve a different purpose and workflow. Jupyter Notebook excels at being interactive and inquisitive, which makes it perfect for projects including teamwork, research, and data analysis. Python IDLE, on the other hand, offers a straightforward and lightweight interface for rapid code execution and learning. The project goals, desired amount of interaction, and demand for documentation and visualisation capabilities all play a role in selecting the ideal environment. In the end, developers should assess their unique requirements and preferences to choose which environment is most conducive to their coding objectives.

Updated on: 13-Oct-2023


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