JShell in Java 9?

JShell is a new concept introduced in Java 9 version. It provides Java with REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) ability. By using JShell, we can test the java-based logic and expressions without compiling it. REPL acts as an immediate feedback loop and has a great effect on productivity in that particular language.

Step 1: Open Command Prompt and type JShell.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

| Welcome to JShell -- Version 9.0.4
| For an introduction type: /help intro


Step 2: Type /help (to view JShell commands) in the JShell command window once it starts running.

jshell> /help
| Type a Java language expression, statement, or declaration.
| Or type one of the following commands:
| /list [|-all|-start]
| list the source you have typed
| /edit
| edit a source entry referenced by name or id
| /drop
| delete a source entry referenced by name or id
| /save [-all|-history|-start]
| Save snippet source to a file.
| /open
| open a file as source input
| /vars [|-all|-start]
| list the declared variables and their values
| /methods [|-all|-start]
| list the declared methods and their signatures
| /types [|-all|-start]
| list the declared types
| /imports
| list the imported items
| /exit
| exit jshell
| /env [-class-path ] [-module-path ] [-add-modules <
| view or change the evaluation context
| /reset [-class-path ] [-module-path ] [-add-modules

| reset jshell
| /reload [-restore] [-quiet] [-class-path ] [-module-path
| reset and replay relevant history -- current or previous (
| /history
| history of what you have typed
| /help [|]
| get information about jshell
| /set editor|start|feedback|mode|prompt|truncation|format ...
| set jshell configuration information
| /? [|]
| get information about jshell
| /!
| re-run last snippet
| /
| re-run snippet by id
| /-
| re-run n-th previous snippet
| For more information type '/help' followed by the name of a
| command or a subject.
| For example '/help /list' or '/help intro'.
| Subjects:
| intro
| an introduction to the jshell tool
| shortcuts
| a description of keystrokes for snippet and command comple
| information access, and automatic code generation
| context
| the evaluation context options for /env /reload and /reset

Step 3: Type /imports in the JShell command window for obtaining the packages imported by JShell.

jshell> /imports
| import java.io.*
| import java.math.*
| import java.net.*
| import java.nio.file.*
| import java.util.*
| import java.util.concurrent.*
| import java.util.function.*
| import java.util.prefs.*
| import java.util.regex.*
| import java.util.stream.*

Step 4: Performing calculations in JShell (Try arithmetic calculations with JShell)

jshell> 3+5
$1 ==> 8

jshell> 8-4
$2 ==> 4

jshell> 2*6
$3 ==> 12

jshell> 9%3
$4 ==> 0

jshell> 8/2
$5 ==> 4

Step 5: To exit JShell, type /exit.

jshell> /exit
| Goodbye

Updated on: 17-Feb-2020


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