jQuery Event submit() Method

The jQuery event submit() method is used to bind an event handler (function) to the submit event or trigger that event on the selected element. The attach function executes when the submit event occurs.

Below are some important points about the submit event −

  • The submit event occurs when the HTML forms are submitted.
  • The submit event can only be used with the HTML form element.


Following is the syntax of the jQuery event submit() method −



This method accepts an optional parameter as function, which is described below −

  • function (optional) −  An optional function to execute when the submit event occurs.

Return Value

This method does not return any value but attaches a function to execute when the submit event occurs.

Example 1

The following program demonstrates the usage of the jQuery event submit() method −

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7/jquery.min.js"></script>
        Username: <input type="text"><br><br>
        Password: <input type="password"><br><br>
            alert("Form submitted...");


The above program displays a form with two input fields and a button. When the user submits the form, a pop-up alert will appear on the browser screen −

Example 2

Form validation using 'submit' event

Following is another example of the jQuery event submit() method. We use this method to prevent the form submission until the form is validated −

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7/jquery.min.js"></script>
        Username: <input type="text"><br><br>
        Password: <input type="password"><br><br>
        function isValidForm(){
            var $uname = $('input[type="text"]').val();
            var $psw = $('input[type="password"]').val();
            if($uname.trim().length == 0){
                $('span').text("Username is required...!");
                $('span').css("color", "red");
                return false;
            else if($psw.trim().length == 0){
                $('span').text("Password is required...!");
                $('span').css("color", "red");
                return false;
                $('span').text("Form submitted...!");
                $('span').css("color", "green")
                return true;


After executing the above program, it will display a form with two input fields and a button. If the input fields are empty, the form cannot be submitted, and an error message will be displayed in "red" color −
