Joke App in python using Bottle Framework

Joke App in python using Bottle Framework: Introduction

With the introduction of joke applications, humour and amusement have taken on a new shape in the current digital era. Users of these applications can access a huge library of jokes, puns, and humorous stories to add humour and happiness to their life. Python, a powerful programming language, provides a number of frameworks for creating web applications, with the Bottle framework being a well-liked option. In this article, we'll look at how to make a comedy app using the Python Bottle framework. We'll discuss the framework's description, syntax, explanation of syntax, a straightforward 5-step algorithm, two distinct ways with complete executable code and output, and a conclusion.

A web application that generates and distributes jokes to users is known as a joke app. Apps for jokes can be used for amusement, instruction, or just to make someone's day. A lightweight web framework that makes it simple to develop and deploy online applications is the Python Bottle framework. Because it doesn't require any prior web development skills, Bottle is perfect for building simple comedy apps.

Joke App in python


A lightweight web framework called Python Bottle makes it simple and quick for programmers to create web applications. It is intended to be straightforward, effective, and simple to comprehend. The Bottle framework offers support for numerous web development tasks like processing HTTP requests and answers, session management, and more. It also has a built-in template engine and a reliable routing system. Bottle is a great option for creating small to medium-sized web applications because of its basic design, making it appropriate for creating a funny app.


from bottle import Bottle
app = Bottle(__name__)
def index():
   joke = pyjokes.get_joke()
   return joke
if __name__ == "__main__":

The Bottle framework is imported in the first line using the Python standard library.

In the second line, a fresh Bottle application object is created.

The route for the "/" URL is defined in the third line. When this route is called, a joke will be returned

A random joke from the pyjokes library is used in the fourth line.

The user is given the joke again in the fifth line.

The primary purpose of the application is described in the sixth line. When the application is launched, this function is called.

The application is launched in debug mode on the seventh line. You can view application errors as they occur in this mode.


  • Step 1 − Import the appropriate Bottle framework modules and functions

  • Step 2 − Create paths for the humour app's various pages or features.

  • Step 3 − For each route, implement controller functions to handle the logic and produce the right answer.

  • Step 4 − To run the application, launch the Bottle development server.

  • Step 5 − By using an API testing tool or a web browser to visit the specified routes, you can evaluate the app.


  • Approach 1 − Using the pyjokes library to get a random joke

  • Approach 2 − Hard-coding a list of jokes into the application

Approach 1: Using the pyjokes library to get a random joke

The first approach is to use the pyjokes library to get a random joke. The following code shows how to do this −


from bottle import Bottle
import pyjokes
app = Bottle(__name__)
def index():
   joke = pyjokes.get_joke()
   return joke
if __name__ == "__main__":


What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh!

The Bottle framework is imported in the first line using the Python standard library.

The pyjokes library is imported in the second line from the Python standard library.

In the third line, a fresh Bottle application object is created.

A route for the "/" URL is defined in the fourth line. When this route is called, it will return a random joke from the pyjokes library.

A random joke from the pyjokes library is used in the fifth line.

The user is given the joke again in the sixth line.

The application's primary purpose is described in the seventh line. When the application is launched, this function is called.

The application is launched in debug mode on the ninth line. You can view application errors as they occur in this mode.

This code will generate a random joke from a list of jokes and return it to the user.

Approach 2: Hard-coding a list of jokes into the application

The second approach is to hard-code a list of jokes into the application. The following code shows how to do this −


from bottle import Bottle
app = Bottle(__name__)
jokes = ["What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh!",
          "Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!",
          "What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato!"]
def index():
   joke = jokes[random.randint(0, len(jokes) - 1)]
   return joke
if __name__ == "__main__":


What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato!

The Bottle framework is imported in the first line using the Python standard library.

The random module is imported from the Python standard library in the second line.

In the third line, a fresh Bottle application object is created.

A list of jokes is created and stored in the jokes variable in the fourth line.

A route for the "/" URL is defined in the fifth line. When this route is called, a random joke will be returned from the jokes list.

A chosen joke from the list of jokes is used for the sixth line.

The humor is given back to the user in the seventh line.

The application's primary purpose is described in the eighth line. When the application is launched, this function is called.

The application is launched in debug mode on the ninth line. You can view application errors as they occur in this mode.

This code will generate a random joke from a list of jokes and return it to the user.


In this tutorial, we looked at how to use the Python Bottle framework to build a comedy app. The Bottle framework's definition and syntax were covered, and the syntax was explained. We also provided a straightforward 5-step algorithm for developing a humorous app. We also presented two distinct methods, complete with executable code and results. In contrast to the second strategy, which pulled jokes from an external API, the first method employed a static list of jokes. The Python Bottle framework's simplicity and adaptability enable developers to quickly construct their own joke apps that will make consumers smile and chuckle.

Updated on: 12-Oct-2023


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