JODA- Time

JODA- Time is an API developed by which provides better classes and more effective methods for handling date and time than classes from java. util package like calendar, Gregorian calendar, date, etc. It is included in Java 8.0 with the java.time package.

To include, we need to import following −

import java.time.*;

Basic Features of JODA- Time

Some of the features of JODA- Time are mentioned below −

  • Simple field accessors are used, such as getYear(), getDayofWeek(), and getDayofYear()

  • It supports seven different calendar systems including, Julian, Islamic, Gregorian, Coptic, Ethiopic, Buddhist and Gregorian-Julian.

  • Option to develop our own calendar is provided

  • It offers a wide range of methods for calculating time and dates

  • Time zones are used from the database. This database was personally updated many times in a year.

  • Its methods execute more quickly than prior Java 7.0 methods

  • Providing superior performance

  • Its object cannot be changed

  • Thread safe

Important Classes in java.time Package



DateTime dt= new DateTime();


Creates a datetime object representing the current date and time in milliseconds as determined by the system clock. It is developed using the ISO Calendar in the default time zone. Immutable replacement for JDK Calendar



LocalDate today =
//gives System date into LocalDate object using now method.

// 2018-08-03
int d = today.getDayOfMonth(); 
// 03


This class represents a date in the form of year-month-day and useful for representing a date without time and time zone.



// get current date and time
LocalDateTime dt =; 
System.out.println("%s", dt);


It handles both date and time without considering the time zone.

Setting Up Environment

  • In eclipse, create your Java Project

  • Extract the contents of the most recent JodaTime.tar.gz file by clicking here to get it.

  • Find your project in eclipse’s package explorer, right click on it, and then choose call project. Folder>New>Libs

  • Joda-time-2.1.jar should be copied or dragged into the newly established libs folder

  • Once more in a package explorer, right click on your project, then select properties> java build path>libraries>add jars>joda-time-2.1.jar

  • Now you might test with this code − -

DateTime test = new DateTime();

Basic Example

// Java program to illustrate
// functions of JODA time
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime;
public class JodaTime {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      DateTime now = new DateTime();
      System.out.println("Current Day: " + now.dayOfWeek().getAsText());
      System.out.println("Current Month: " + now.monthOfYear().getAsText());
      System.out.println("Current Year: " + now.year().getAsText());
      System.out.println("Current Year is Leap Year: " + now.year().isLeap());

      // get current date and time
      LocalDateTime dt =;



Current Day: Monday
Current Month: April
Current Year: 2023
Current Year is Leap Year: false


Joda time has many advantages, some of them are mentioned below −

  • Using Java in a similar way on several platforms

  • Supports more calendars, including, Ethiopic, and Buddhist

  • Improved performance

  • Simple interoperability − Internally, the library employs a millisecond instant, the same unit of time used by the JDK and other widely used time representations. Because of this, interoperability is simple, and Joda-Time has built-in JDK compatibility.


  • Requires installation of package

  • Requires updates from

Why use JODA- Time?

Before Java 8, The date/time API presented multiple design problems. Among the issues is the fact that the date and SimpleDateFormatter classes are not thread safe.

To address the issue, Joda time uses immutable classes for handling date and time. The date class doesn’t represent an actual date. But instead, it specifies an instant in time with millisecond precision. Joda time offers a clean and fluent API for handling dates and time.


Joda time is the widely used date and time processing library. Before the release of Java 8, its purpose was to provide an intuitive API for processing date and time and also address the time design issue that existed in the java date/time API. It requires the installation of packages and updates from It has many advantages. It supports many different types of calendars like Julian, Islamic, Gregorian, Coptic, Ethiopic, Buddhist and Gregorian-Julian. It has many basic features which help developers to use this in their application.

Updated on: 01-Aug-2023


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