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JavaScript Wizardry: The Basics Unveiled

person icon BERNARD MARTIN


JavaScript Wizardry: The Basics Unveiled

Master the Power of JavaScript in under 10 hrs: Mastering the Inner Workings for Javascript : ChatGPT : HTML : CSS

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon BERNARD MARTIN

category icon Development,Data Science,Javascript

Lectures -28

Duration -4.5 hours



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Course Description

The "Javascript 101 for Beginners | Fundamentals Of Javascript" course is a comprehensive program designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills needed to become JavaScript experts. Whether you are a beginner or have some prior experience with JavaScript, this course will take you on a transformative journey, exploring the intricacies and inner workings of the language.

Starting from the fundamentals, you will dive deep into JavaScript syntax, variables, data types, control structures, and functions. As you progress, you will uncover the power of JavaScript's Document Object Model (DOM) and learn how to manipulate web page elements, handle events, and create dynamic user experiences.

The course will guide you through advanced JavaScript concepts, including closures, prototypes, asynchronous programming, and scope. You will gain hands-on experience with popular libraries and frameworks like React, Angular, or jQuery, enabling you to build interactive and engaging web applications.

Understanding the importance of security and performance, you will explore best practices for error handling, debugging, input validation, and optimizing JavaScript code. You will also delve into server-side JavaScript using technologies like Node.js, Express.js, or MongoDB, extending your skills to create full-stack applications.

Throughout the course, you will work on practical projects, applying your knowledge to real-world scenarios and building a portfolio that showcases your JavaScript mastery. Additionally, you will gain expertise in JavaScript testing, ensuring the reliability and stability of your applications.

Join us on this journey to unleash the power of JavaScript and master its intricacies. By the end of this course, you will have the confidence and skills to tackle complex JavaScript challenges, build robust web applications, and embark on a successful career in web development.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for everybody, beginners and experts


  • Solid Understanding of JavaScript Fundamentals: Learners will develop a strong foundation in JavaScript, including variables, data types, control structures etc

  • Proficient DOM Manipulation: Learners will gain expertise in interacting with the Document Object Model (DOM), manipulating elements, handling events, etc.

  • Advanced JavaScript Concepts: Learners will explore advanced topics such as closures, prototypes, scope, execution context, and asynchronous programming etc.

  • Mastery of JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks: Learners will become proficient in popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks, such as jQuery, React etc.

  • Effective Error Handling and Debugging: Learners will learn techniques to debug and troubleshoot JavaScript code effectively, including error handling etc.

  • Efficient Data Manipulation with Arrays and Objects: Learners will acquire skills in working with arrays and objects, including manipulating, filtering, etc.

  • Practical Understanding of JavaScript APIs: Learners will explore various JavaScript APIs, such as the Fetch API for making HTTP requests etc.

  • Introduction to Server-Side JavaScript: Learners will be introduced to server-side JavaScript using technologies like Nodejs, Expressjs, or MongoDB etc.

  • Security Best Practices in JavaScript: Learners will understand common security vulnerabilities in JavaScript and learn best practices to mitigate risks etc.


  • Need a computer to be able to access to a computer.

JavaScript Wizardry: The Basics Unveiled


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

Javascript 101 PT1
28 Lectures
  • play icon Js-part1 - javaScript Essentials | Hello World and Beyond 10:44 10:44
  • play icon Js-part2 - JavaScript Variables Demystified | Part 1 10:07 10:07
  • play icon Js-part3 - Unleashing the Power of JavaScript Variables | Part 2 10:21 10:21
  • play icon Js-part4 - Advanced JavaScript Variables | Part 3 10:35 10:35
  • play icon Js-part5 - Mastering JavaScript Strings | Manipulation and Operations 10:48 10:48
  • play icon Js-part6 - JavaScript Increment and Decrement | Unlocking Numeric Manipulation 10:01 10:01
  • play icon Js-part7 - Deep Dive into JavaScript Logical Operators | Logic and Boolean Opera 10:01 10:01
  • play icon Js-part8 - JavaScript Loops Unleashed | Iteration and Repetition 10:01 10:01
  • play icon Js-part9 - JavaScript Conditionals | Exploring If-Else Statements 10:17 10:17
  • play icon Js-part10 - Exploring JavaScript Case Statements | Versatile Decision-Making 10:39 10:39
  • play icon Js-part11 - JavaScript Functions Revealed | Part 1 10:23 10:23
  • play icon Js-part12 - Advanced JavaScript Functions | Part 2 10:16 10:16
  • play icon Js-part13 - JavaScript Objects | Manipulating and Organizing Data 10:04 10:04
  • play icon Js-part14 - JavaScript Error Handling | Try-Catch Blocks Demystified 10:36 10:36
  • play icon Js-part15 - Harnessing the Power of JavaScript Callback Functions 10:54 10:54
  • play icon Js-part16 - JavaScript Promises Unveiled | Part 1 10:16 10:16
  • play icon Js-part17 - Advanced JavaScript Promises | Part 2 10:35 10:35
  • play icon Js-part18 - Building Personal Chatbots | Part 1 - AI-Powered Conversational Inte 10:14 10:14
  • play icon Js-part19 - Building Personal Chatbots | Part 2 - Integration of APIs and Ser 10:22 10:22
  • play icon Js-part20 - Personal Chatbots Empowered | Part 3 - Implementing Natural Language 10:13 10:13
  • play icon Js-part21 - Elevating Conversational Experiences | Sentiment Analysis etc. 10:18 10:18
  • play icon Js-part22 - Advanced Dialogues and User Interactions | Handling Complexity etc. 10:31 10:31
  • play icon Js-part23 - Deploying Personal Chatbots | Strategies for Efficient Implement 08:19 08:19
  • play icon Part24 - ChatGPT Clone | Building an AI Conversation Model - Part 1 10:20 10:20
  • play icon Part25 - ChatGPT Clone | Building an AI Conversation Model - Part 2 11:33 11:33
  • play icon Part26 - ChatGPT Clone | Building an AI Conversation Model - Part 3 10:11 10:11
  • play icon Part27 - ChatGPT Clone | Building an AI Conversation Model - Part 4 10:03 10:03
  • play icon Part28 - Deploying ChatGPT Clone | Taking Conversational AI Live 10:13 10:13

Instructor Details



Super Blessed to be able to put my 18 years of blood, sweat & tears all in course form for you all! I have accomplished a lot and also lost a lot but the good thing is with my courses I will save you from having to go through the pain & heartaches that I was forced to face chasing this entrepreneur lifestyle.

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