JavaScript Alternatives

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a programming and Scripting language which users can use to add functionalities to different webpages. Developers can make interactive webpages add maps, images, and do a lot of other things. JavaScript came to be known as LiveScript when launched later Netscape changed its name to JavaScript. JavaScript is usually to develop the frontend but backend programming can also be done.

Price Plans of JavaScript

JavaScript is free to use and developers can develop interactive webpages using the language

Why JavaScript alternatives?

There are many disadvantages of JavaScript and some of them can be found here −

  • JavaScript can be used to write malicious code

  • Browser support has to be maintained as each browser uses the language in a different way

  • Debugging is not efficient

  • Only single inheritance is supported

How to choose a JavaScript Alternative?

JavaScript has many advantages and people who look for its alternatives should consider the benefits listed below −

  • The code is interpreted and results are displayed at a fast speed

  • Learning JavaScript is simple

  • JavaScript is popular because most browsers support it

  • Data validation can easily be done

  • It can be easily used with other programming languages

Top 10 JavaScript Alternatives

JavaScript has many alternatives and some of them have been discussed here in detail.

Alternative 1 – Typescript

Typescript is an object-oriented language which is popular among developers to develop the frontend. Microsoft developed the language which has much similarity to JavaScript. Typescript can be used to develop large apps through its powerful tools.

Alternative 2 – Ruby

Ruby programming language was launched in the 1990s which is used to develop desktop applications. The language can work directly with computer hardware in a similar way as C or C++. Methods for different procedures can be developed. If there is a problem for which a program has to be developed, Ruby provides an endless number of solutions.

Alternative 3 – CoffeeScript

CoffeeScript is a programming language that is similar to JavaScript. CoffeeScript comes with a powerful language package which helps the frontend developers to develop an easy to use interfaces. Advanced features of CoffeeScript include classes, list comprehensions, and many more.

Alternative 4 – ClojureScript

ClojureScript is a programming language whose code is compiled into JavaScript. The language has the ability to provide JS code which can be compiled through the Google Closure compiler. The language has compatibility with most of the latest browsers. It is also compatible with Node.js and mobile platforms. It is not popular as JavaScript but is a powerful programming language.

Alternative 5 – ELM

ELM is a programming language in which static types and immutable values are included. This helps the developers to get rid of many of the errors which they can make in JavaScript code. ELM implements DOM virtually and this helps in increasing the execution of a code. The processing of HTML through ELM is faster than React and Angular.

Alternative 6 – Dart

Dart is a programming language which is much similar to the C language. Dart is a language that has the ability to remove some of the errors that are caused by JavaScript code. Users can create web-based as well as standalone applications with the help of the Google UI toolkit. It is not used frequently as currently; it is very new for the developers.

Alternative 7 – React

React or react.js is a programming language which is a frontend library for JavaScript. The language has been developed by Facebook. React is a component-based language which can be used to create interactive user interfaces. It uses DOM virtually and this increases the speed of code execution. Many developers use this language to develop frontend.

Alternative 8 – PHP

PHP is a server-side language which is embedded in HTML. PHP uses C and some parts of C++. The language is used for the backend programming only. Developers use PHP for secure development of portals and websites. PHP uses different types of frameworks and WordPress is one of them.

Alternative 9 – Opal

Opal is a programming language which acts as a transcompiler to JavaScript. Opal has been developed to replace many programming languages and one of them is JavaScript. Other languages that Opal can eliminate are Java, C++, and C. Currently, it is not as popular as the other programming languages but it is being used by many developers.

Alternative 10 – Flutter

Flutter is a software development system introduced by Google. The language is used to develop applications for Windows, Android, iOS, and other operating systems. Flutter uses different programming languages like C, C++, Dart, and many more to develop different types of applications. Flutter can be used without paying any cost.


JavaScript is a programming language which is used to develop frontend of webpages. It can be used to create interactive webpages and add functionalities to each page. Hackers can write malicious code using this language and this shows that security cannot be implemented. Debugging is not efficient and the language supports only single inheritance. There are many alternatives to JavaScript that can be used to develop frontend and standalone applications.

Updated on: 30-Aug-2023


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