Java Formatter ioException() Method


The Java Formatter ioException() method returns the IOException last thrown by this formatter's Appendable.

If the destination's append() method never throws IOException, then this method will always return null.


Following is the declaration for java.util.Formatter.ioException() method

public IOException ioException()



Return Value

This method returns the last exception thrown by the Appendable or null if no such exception exists.



Checking the IOException of a Formatter Object of US Locale Example

The following example shows the usage of Java Formatter ioException() method to print IOException if thrown by the Appendable while using a formatter. We've created a formatter object with a StringBuffer and US locale. Formatter is used to print a string using the format() method. Then we've printed the ioException object. It is printed null in this case.

package com.tutorialspoint;

import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.Locale;

public class FormatterDemo {
   public static void main(String[] args) {

      // create a new formatter
      StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
      Formatter formatter = new Formatter(buffer, Locale.US);

      // format a new string
      String name = "World";
      formatter.format("Hello %s !", name);

      // print the formatted string with default locale
      System.out.println("" + formatter);

      // print latest exception, which is null
      System.out.println("" + formatter.ioException());


Let us compile and run the above program, this will produce the following result −

Hello World !

Checking the IOException of a Formatter Object of GERMAN Locale Example

The following example shows the usage of Java Formatter ioException() method to print IOException if thrown by the Appendable while using a formatter. We've created a formatter object with a StringBuffer and GERMAN locale. Formatter is used to print a string using the format() method. Then we've printed the ioException object. It is printed null in this case.

package com.tutorialspoint;

import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.Locale;

public class FormatterDemo {
   public static void main(String[] args) {

      // create a new formatter
      StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
      Formatter formatter = new Formatter(buffer, Locale.GERMAN);

      // format a new string
      String name = "World";
      formatter.format("Hello %s !", name);

      // print the formatted string with default locale
      System.out.println("" + formatter);

      // print latest exception, which is null
      System.out.println("" + formatter.ioException());


Let us compile and run the above program, this will produce the following result −

Hello World !

Checking the IOException of a Formatter Object of FRENCH Locale Example

The following example shows the usage of Java Formatter ioException() method to print IOException if thrown by the Appendable while using a formatter. We've created a formatter object with a StringBuffer and FRENCH locale. Formatter is used to print a string using the format() method. Then we've printed the ioException object. It is printed null in this case.

package com.tutorialspoint;

import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.Locale;

public class FormatterDemo {
   public static void main(String[] args) {

      // create a new formatter
      StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
      Formatter formatter = new Formatter(buffer, Locale.FRENCH);

      // format a new string
      String name = "World";
      formatter.format("Hello %s !", name);

      // print the formatted string with default locale
      System.out.println("" + formatter);

      // print latest exception, which is null
      System.out.println("" + formatter.ioException());


Let us compile and run the above program, this will produce the following result −

Hello World !