Java vs C#

Java is a dynamic, secured and class based high level object oriented programming language developed by Oracle Corporation. On the other hand; C# is a .Net Framework object oriented programming language developed by Microsoft.

Java and C# both are the general purpose programming paradigm or basically known as the imperative environment for coding. And these two languages are capable to provide some high level results as output.

In a broad view there are many differences between these two OOPs −

  • Java Runtime Environment designed to run a Java code where C# runs on CLR Environment (Common Language Runtime).

  • Java and C# both are the object oriented programming language. But in a specific manner C# is a functional and component oriented strong in type coding language. This language provides a multiple overloading feature which we will not get in Java.

  • The Array features are not same for these two also. For Java, the Object are in direct specialization and in C# Array is a system specialization.

Use of C# -

  • Web app. Development

  • Windows application development.

  • Gaming application.

Use of Java -

  • Web projects, Big data Apps

  • Server-side programming

  • Embedded systems

  • Android applications

How Java And C# Languages Work:


In a software designing environment, it is important to have a runtime platform. The runtime platform provides the access to main memory and other important features of a system to run a code.

The Java Runtime Environment is a fundamental backend technology which bridges and creates a communication channel between a Java build code and OS. In simple word JRE is a runtime facilitator which provides all resources to write a Java code and run it to get the desired result.

There are two Java components −

  • JDK – Java Development Kit

  • A collection of software development tools to develop an application using Java. You can get many JDK version in matching with its Java version. Like, Java SE needs JDK Java SE.

  • JVM – Java Virtual Machine

  • JVM runs a Java code line by line. When a Java application runs developers configure the settings. It checks also the internal storage of that running Java application by using the runtime.


Basically, the .NET build codes compile into a Microsoft Intermediate Language aka MSIL by using Just in Time (JIT) compiler. Clearly, the output will be a machine code (written by a set of class libraries) and it will be produced by a machine processor.

The compiler and the CLR format the C# code to an executable code. Here we get an understanding complex machine environment in .NET. The executable codes can be saved as .exe and .dll files for Windows operating system.

A Java Code Algorithm:-

  • Step 1 − Write A Source Code in IDE.

  • Step 2 − Put It Into The Compiler.

  • Step 3 − Convert It To The Bytecode.

  • Step 4 − JVM (Windows, MacOS, Linux).

  • Step 5 − Converted Machine Code.

  • Step 6 − Terminate The Process

A C# Code Algorithm:-

  • Step 1 − Start.

  • Step 2 − Select The Documents.

  • Step 3 − Directive Section.

  • Step 4 − Select Interface.

  • Step 5 − Select The Classes.

  • Step 6 − Main() Method Declare.

  • Step 7 − No header files, import .dll files.

  • Step 8 − Type reflection

Syntax of A Java Code

public class Main {
   public static void main (String[] args) {
      System.out.println ("THE STATEMENT");


using System;

namespace Tutorialspoint {
  class Program{
      static void Main(string[] args){
         Console.WriteLine("Hello Student");    

The class using system declares the system namespace. The namespace organises the code as a container. Every line of the written code that runs, must be stay inside a class in C# language.


  • Approach 1: A General Example of a Java Code.

  • Approach 2: A General Example of a C# Code.

A General Example of a Java Code

Example 1

public class TableofMultiplication {
   public static void main(String[] args) {

      int num = 18, j = 1;
      while(j <= 20){
         System.out.printf("%d * %d = %d \n", num, j, num * j);j++;


18 * 2 = 36 
18 * 3 = 54 
18 * 4 = 72 
18 * 5 = 90 
18 * 6 = 108 
18 * 7 = 126 
18 * 8 = 144 
18 * 9 = 162 
18 * 10 = 180 
18 * 11 = 198 
18 * 12 = 216 
18 * 13 = 234 
18 * 14 = 252 
18 * 15 = 270 
18 * 16 = 288 
18 * 17 = 306 
18 * 18 = 324 
18 * 19 = 342 
18 * 20 = 360 

A General Example of A C# Code

Example 1

using System;  
public class Exercise6  {  
   public static void Main() {
      int i,n;
       Console.Write("Display the multiplication table of the number:\n");

       Console.Write("Input the number you need to do multiplication: ");
       n= Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());   
          Console.Write("{0} X {1} = {2} \n",n,i,n*i);


Display the multiplication table of the number:

Input the number you need to do multiplication:
0 X 1 = 0 
0 X 2 = 0 
0 X 3 = 0 
0 X 4 = 0 
0 X 5 = 0 
0 X 6 = 0 
0 X 7 = 0 
0 X 8 = 0 
0 X 9 = 0 
0 X 10 = 0 
0 X 11 = 0 
0 X 12 = 0 
0 X 13 = 0 
0 X 14 = 0 
0 X 15 = 0 
0 X 16 = 0 
0 X 17 = 0 
0 X 18 = 0 
0 X 19 = 0 
0 X 20 = 0 
0 X 21 = 0 
0 X 22 = 0 
0 X 23 = 0 
0 X 24 = 0 
0 X 25 = 0 
0 X 26 = 0 
0 X 27 = 0 
0 X 28 = 0 
0 X 29 = 0 
0 X 30 = 0 
0 X 31 = 0 
0 X 32 = 0 
0 X 33 = 0 
0 X 34 = 0 
0 X 35 = 0 
0 X 36 = 0 
0 X 37 = 0 
0 X 38 = 0 
0 X 39 = 0 
0 X 40 = 0 
0 X 41 = 0 
0 X 42 = 0 
0 X 43 = 0 
0 X 44 = 0 
0 X 45 = 0 
0 X 46 = 0 
0 X 47 = 0 
0 X 48 = 0 
0 X 49 = 0 
0 X 50 = 0 
0 X 51 = 0 
0 X 52 = 0 
0 X 53 = 0 
0 X 54 = 0 
0 X 55 = 0 
0 X 56 = 0 
0 X 57 = 0 
0 X 58 = 0 
0 X 59 = 0 
0 X 60 = 0 
0 X 61 = 0 
0 X 62 = 0 
0 X 63 = 0 
0 X 64 = 0 
0 X 65 = 0 
0 X 66 = 0 
0 X 67 = 0 
0 X 68 = 0 
0 X 69 = 0 
0 X 70 = 0 
0 X 71 = 0 
0 X 72 = 0 
0 X 73 = 0 
0 X 74 = 0 
0 X 75 = 0 
0 X 76 = 0 
0 X 77 = 0 
0 X 78 = 0 
0 X 79 = 0 
0 X 80 = 0 
0 X 81 = 0 
0 X 82 = 0 
0 X 83 = 0 
0 X 84 = 0 
0 X 85 = 0 
0 X 86 = 0 
0 X 87 = 0 
0 X 88 = 0 
0 X 89 = 0 
0 X 90 = 0 
0 X 91 = 0 
0 X 92 = 0 
0 X 93 = 0 
0 X 94 = 0 
0 X 95 = 0 
0 X 96 = 0 
0 X 97 = 0 
0 X 98 = 0 
0 X 99 = 0 
0 X 100 = 0 


In this article we have discussed a detailed comparison of Java vs C#. It’s better to find which language is suitable for your project. Here we get a better understanding of these both languages by using different algorithms and build codes.

Updated on: 10-Apr-2023


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