Java Tricky Output Questions

Java Tricky Output Questions that are difficult to answer call for more work to be put into them. We will fall short if we attempt to respond to a challenging topic using common sense since such questions need specialized understanding. The majority of challenging java problems are based on perplexing ideas like loops, multi-threading, overloading, overriding, etc.

Even when a question isn’t particularly challenging, we occasionally have trouble solving it. Despite the fact that the answer to the question is straightforward, we occasionally write code carelessly.

Even if we don’t know the solution, we can still use analytical thinking to get the answer. We will discuss some challenging Java tricky output questions in this article.

Commonly Asked Java Tricky Output Questions


Consider the following output and try to guess the answer

public class A {  
   public static void main(String args[]) {  
      //\u000d System.out.println("hello");  
  • Hello

  • hello


  • Error

  • \u000d


The output will be "hello". The Unicode character \u000d is a carriage return and acts as a new line character. Thus, the commented line is interpreted as a new line of code.


Try to guess the answer of the following output

String s1 = "Java";  
String s2 = "Java";  
StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder();  
System.out.println(s1 == s2);  
System.out.println(sb1.toString() == s1);  
  • true is printed out exactly once.

  • true is printed out exactly twice.

  • true printed out exactly thrice.

  • true printed out exactly four times.

  • Error


The output will be "true printed out exactly four times". The == operator compares if the two references point to the exact same object, while the equals() method checks if the contents of the two objects are equivalent. String literals are interned in Java, so s1 and s2 refer to the same object. StringBuilder generates a new String object, so sb1.toString() != s1, but its contents are the same as s1.


Answer the following question

public class Demo {  
   public static void main(String args[]) {  
      try {  
         throw new IllegalArgumentException();  
      catch (RuntimeException e) {  
      finally  {  
  • abe

  • abce

  • abde

  • abcde

  • Uncaught exception thrown  


The output will be "abcde". Even though an exception is thrown in the try block, the finally block will always be executed.


Consider the following question to guess the answer:

public class Test {  
   public static void main(String args[]) {  
      int i=20+ +9- -12+ +4- -13+ +19;  
  • 27

  • 33

  • 66

  • 76

  • 77


The output will be "77". The unary plus and minus operators have higher precedence than the binary plus and minus operators, and unary plus doesn't change the sign of its operand.


Consider the following code to answer

public class Actors {  
   Public static void main(String arg[]) {  
      char[] ca ={0x4e, \u004e, 78};  
      System.out.println((ca[0] = = ca[1]) + " "+ (ca[0] = = ca[2]));  
  • false false

  • true true

  • false true

  • true false

  • Error


The output will be "true true". All three elements in the character array represent the same numeric value (78), so the comparisons are true.


What will be the output of the following code

public class _C {  
   private static int $;  
   public static void main(String main[])  {  
      String a_b;  
  • Compile error at line 4

  • Compile error at line 2

  • Compile error at line 1

  • Compile error at line 5

  • Compile error at line 8


The output will be "Compile error at line 5". Local variables need to be initialized before they are used.


What will be the answer of the given code:

switch(x) {    
   case x>70:    
   case 65<x<=70:    
  • Assertion error

  • Stack overflow

  • Orphaned case

  • IO error

  • Output of memory error


The output will be "Orphaned case". Case labels in switch statements must be constant expressions (typically integers, enums, or string literals), not boolean expressions.


Consider the following code to answer:

public class Demo {  
   static int x=1111;  
   static {  
      x=x-- - --x;   
      x=x++ + ++x;  
   public static void main(String args[]) {  
  • 2

  • 1110

  • 1109

  • 1

  • 11


The output will be "2". The static block is executed before the instance initializer block, and both blocks change the value of x.


What will be the output of the following code:

import java.lang.Math;  
public class Example {  
   public static void main(String args[]) {  
      String computerMove;  
      switch ( (int)(3*Math.random()) ) {  
         case 0:  
            computerMove = "Rock";  
         case 1:  
            computerMove = "Scissors";  
         case 2:  
            computerMove = "Paper";  
      System.out.println("Computer's move is " + computerMove);  
  • Paper

  • Rock

  • Scissors

  • Syntax error

  • Exception


The output could be "Paper", "Rock", or "Scissors". The switch statement randomly selects one of the three cases.


Consider the following code to give the answer:

public class TestHashMap {  
   public static void main(String[] args) {  
      HashMap<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>(){  
            put("1", "ONE");  
      }  {  
         put("2", "TWO");  
      } {  
            put("3", "THREE");  
      Set<String> keySet = map.keySet();  
      for (String string : keySet) {  
         System.out.println(string+" ->"+map.get(string));  
  • The use of double brace initialization is not allowed in Java

  • The first set of brace creates a new anonymous inner class, and the second set of brace creates an instance initialize like static block in class

  • The second set of brace creates a new anonymous inner class, and the first set of brace creates an instance initialize like static block in class

  • Niether first set of braces creates an anonymous inner class, nor the second set of brace creates an instance initialize like static block in class

  • None of the above


The correct answer is "The first set of brace creates a new anonymous inner class, and the second set of brace creates an instance initialize like static block in class". This pattern is known as double brace initialization.


What will we get after compiling the following code?

public class ExceptionDemo {  
   public static void main(String args[]) {  
      Object x[] = new String[3];  
      x[0] = new Integer(0);  
  • Negative Array Size Exception

  • Array store exception

  • Null pointer exception

  • Class cast exception

  • Array index out of bounds exception


The output will be "Array store exception". The runtime type of the array is String[], so it cannot hold Integer objects.


Consider the situation

If we put System.exit(0) on try to catch block in such a case Will finally block execute or not? Also specify the reason
  • It skips the final block

  • It is an invalid situation

  • The final block may or may not be executed

  • JVM exit with SecurityException and final block execute

  • JVM exit without SecurityException and final block will not be executed


The correct answer is "JVM exit without SecurityException and final block will not be executed". System.exit(0) terminates the JVM immediately, so the finally block does not execute.


Consider the following code to give the correct answer:

import java.util.Arrays;  
public class SplitString {  
   public static void main(String args[]) {  
      String str="Java|Python|Hadoop";  
      String[] array = str.split("\|");  
  • [Java\Python\Hadoop]

  • [Java|Python|Hadoop]

  • [Java\|Python\|Hadoop]

  • [Java, Python, Hadoop]


The output will be "[Java, Python, Hadoop]". The split() method uses a regular expression to split the string, and | is a metacharacter that needs to be escaped.


Evaluate the following statement:

long longWithL = 1000*60*60*24*365L;  
long longWithoutL = 1000*60*60*34*365;
  • Compile time error

  • Arithmetic exception

  • 31536000000 and 1726327040

  • 3.1536e10 and 1.72632704e9

  • 31536000000L and 1726327040


The correct answer is "31536000000 and 1726327040". The L suffix makes the first number a long literal, so the computation doesn't overflow. The second number is computed as an int and overflows.


Evaluate the following code and give the answer carefully:

class Base{  
   public static void main(String[] args){  
public class Test extends Base{}
  • Compile time error

  • Runtime error

  • Compiles and run with no output

  • Compiles and runs printing hello

  • Error at line 6


The output will be "Compiles and runs printing hello". The main method is inherited from the Base class and executed when the Test class is run.


It is crucial to familiarize yourself with some of the frequent inquiries. You might feel more assured when answering queries or developing test code by practicing. Although they may ask a variety of questions, you might prepare your answers in advance to brush up on your Java expertise.

Updated on: 31-May-2024

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