Java Program to display table with columns in the output using Formatter

To display table with columns as output, use the Formatter class. For working with Formatter class, import the following package −

import java.util.Formatter;

Consider an array with some elements. This is the array which we will be shown as output in tabular form −

double arr[] = { 1.7, 2.5, 3.1, 4.5, 5.7, 6.9, 7.7, 8.9, 9.1 };

While displaying the double array values, use the %f to set spaces −

for (double d : arr) {
   f.format("%14.2f %14.2f %15.2f
", d, Math.ceil(d), Math.floor(d)); }

The following is an example −


 Live Demo

import java.util.Formatter;
public class Demo {
   public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
      double arr[] = { 1.7, 2.5, 3.1, 4.5, 5.7, 6.9, 7.7, 8.9, 9.1 };
      Formatter f = new Formatter();
      f.format("%15s %15s %15s
", "Points1", "Points2", "Points3"); System.out.println("The point list...
"); for (double d : arr) { f.format("%14.2f %14.2f %15.2f
", d, Math.ceil(d), Math.floor(d)); } System.out.println(f); } }


The point list...
Points1 Points2 Points3
1.70 2.00 1.00
2.50 3.00 2.00
3.10 4.00 3.00
4.50 5.00 4.00
5.70 6.00 5.00
6.90 7.00 6.00
7.70 8.00 7.00
8.90 9.00 8.00
9.10 10.00 9.00

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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