iswprint( ) in C++

We are given with the task to show the working of iswprint( ). The iswprint( ) function in C++ STL is used to check that whether the given wide character can be printed or not. It is a function present in cwctype header file in C++. Wide characters is a computer character datatype that generally has a size greater than the traditional 8-bit character.


int iswprint(c);


c – This is a parameter which specifies the wide character that has to be checked whether it is printable or not.

Return Value

This function returns a non-zero value if c can be printed. It will return zero if c cannot be printed.

Following characters given below are printable

  • Upper case letters − A - Z

  • Lowercase letters − a - z

  • Digits − 0 - 9

  • Punctuation character − ! ” @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) } | \ ] [ _ - + ’ ? / . , } : ; ~ `

  • Space − ……

  • intable or not.


#include <cwchar.h>
Using namespace std;
int main( ){
   wchar_t str[ ] = “ authorized<channel<partners”;
   for( int i = 0; i < wcslen(str); i++){
   if ( !iswprint(str[i]))
      str[i] = ‘ @ ’;
   return 0;


If we run above code it will generate the following output



#include <cwchar.h>
Using namespace std;
int main( ){
   wchar_t str[ ] = “ and I am<= Iron Man”;
   for( int i = 0; i < wcslen(str); i++){
      if ( !iswprint(str[i]))
         str[i] = ‘ & ’;
   return 0;


if we run above code it will generate the following output

and I am<= Iron Man
and I am &&Iron Man

Updated on: 14-Aug-2020


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