issuperset() in Python

In this article, we will learn about issuperset() in Python and its implementation in various areas.

This method returns boolean True if all elements of a set B contains all elements set A which is passed as an argument and returns false if all elements of A not present in B.

This means if B is a superset of A then it

returns true;
else False


Let’s look at some example

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A = {'t','u','t','o','r','i','a','l'}
B = {'t','u','t'}
print("A issuperset B : ", A.issuperset(B))
print("B issuperset A : ", B.issuperset(A))


A issuperset B : True
B issuperset A : False


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A = {'t','u','t','o','r','i','a','l'}
B = {'t','u','t'}
C = {'o','r','i','a','l'}
print("A issuperset B : ", A.issuperset(B))
print("B issuperset A : ", B.issuperset(A))
print("A issuperset C : ", A.issuperset(C))
print("B issuperset C : ", B.issuperset(C))


A issuperset B : True
B issuperset A : False
A issuperset C : True
B issuperset C : False


In this article, we learnt how to implement the issuperset() function in Python 3.x. Or earlier.

Updated on: 29-Aug-2019


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