Is Golang the Java Killer?

In recent times, there has been a debate over whether Java or Golang is better for web development. With the rise in fissionability of Golang, some have claimed that it's the" Java killer" for web development. We’ll give a brief history and overview of both languages, compare their features for web development, bandy the benefits of each language, examine real- world exemplifications of companies that have switched from Java to Golang, and presume on the future of web development with Golang and Java in this composition. Eventually, we will bandy how to elect the stylish literacy coffers for both languages.

What is Golang?

Google Golang, also known as Go, is a programming language that was created in 2007. It was created to address some of the failings of being programming languages similar as C and Java. Golang is well- known for its ease of use, effectiveness, and scalability. It supports concurrency and has a scrap collector, making it a popular choice for web development.

What is Java?

Sun Microsystems created Java in 1995 as a programming language. It was created to be portable, secure, and durable. Java is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world, with applications ranging from web development to mobile development to enterprise applications.

Golang vs Java

When it comes to web development, both Golang and Java have advantages and disadvantages. For web development, here is a feature-by-feature comparison −

  • Due to its built-in garbage collector and concurrency support, Golang is faster than Java for web development. The garbage collector in Java can cause latency issues in large-scale applications, affecting performance.

  • Scalability − Because Golang is so scalable, it's an excellent choice for large-scale web applications. Scalability in Java is determined by the framework and the developer's ability to manage the application's resources.

  • Simplicity − Golang is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for new programmers. Because of its extensive libraries and frameworks, Java has a steeper learning curve and can be more complex.

  • Because of its extensive security features and strong type system, Java is considered more secure than Golang. For security features, Golang, on the other hand, relies on external libraries.

  • Libraries and Frameworks − Java has a large number of libraries and frameworks that help developers create complex web applications. Although Golang has a smaller community and fewer libraries and frameworks, the ones that do exist are highly efficient and well-documented.

Advantages of Golang Over Golang for Web Development

  • Golang's syntax is simpler, requiring fewer lines of code to achieve the same functionality as Java. This can drastically cut development time.

  • Concurrency Support − Golang includes concurrency support, making it easier to write highly concurrent and scalable web applications.

  • Performance − For web development, Golang's garbage collector and concurrency support make it faster and more efficient than Java.

  • Simplicity − Golang has a simpler syntax and is easier to learn than Java, making it an excellent choice for new developers.

Advantages of Golang Over Java for Web Development

  • Libraries and Frameworks − Java has a large number of libraries and frameworks that help developers create complex web applications.

  • Security − Java is more secure than Golang due to its strong type system and extensive security features.

  • Community Support − Because Java has a larger developer community and more resources available, it is easier to find help and support when needed.

Legal Implications of Using Java for Hacking

Java hacking may result in severe legal repercussions.

  • Most nations consider hacking to be a crime that can lead to both criminal charges and prison time. It is illegal to even attempt to gain unauthorised access to a system.

  • Java-based hacking tools can also leave a digital footprint that can be used as evidence in a court of law.

  • Before engaging in any sort of hacking, it is crucial for hackers to think about the legal ramifications of their acts and the possible outcomes.

Case Studies

For web development, several companies have switched from Java to Golang. Uber is one of the most notable examples, having switched to Golang for its backend infrastructure. Uber's decision to switch to Golang was motivated by the need for improved performance, scalability, and simplicity. Uber was able to handle high traffic volumes and provide a better user experience thanks to Golang's built-in concurrency support.

SoundCloud is another company that has switched to Golang. SoundCloud initially built its web application with Ruby on Rails, but as the application grew, performance issues arose. SoundCloud chose Golang because of its speed, scalability, and simplicity. SoundCloud was able to handle more traffic and provide a better user experience thanks to Golang.

Future of Web Development

While Golang has grown in popularity in recent years, it is unlikely to completely replace Java. Both languages have advantages and disadvantages, and the language chosen will be determined by the project's requirements, developer preferences, and other factors.

However, Golang is expected to gain popularity in the coming years, particularly for web applications that require high performance, scalability, and concurrency support. Because of its simplicity and ease of use, Golang is an excellent choice for developers who are new to programming or who need to create applications quickly.


Finally, the debate over Golang vs. Java for web development is still ongoing. While Golang has advantages over Java, it is unlikely to completely replace Java. The language chosen will be determined by the project's requirements, developer preferences, and other factors.

Updated on: 06-Apr-2023


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