Is Golang going to overpower Python?

In this article, we shall explore whether or not Golang will overpower Python.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level, object-oriented, dynamic, interpreted, and multipurpose programming language i.e multi-paradigm language. Python's syntax, dynamic typing, and interpreted nature make it an excellent scripting language. It supports a variety of programming paradigms, including object-oriented, functional, and procedural styles. It cannot be converted to computer-readable code before running at runtime. Python is used for task automation.

What is Golang?

Golang, usually known as Go a Programming language that is open-source, collected and statically written. It was developed by Google and is relatively simple to read, understand, and use, even for those who are new to programming languages. Google's lead developers were "Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson." It was made available to the general public in 2009.

Golang is loosely based on the syntax of the C programming language and does away with the extra syntax of the C++ language. Many current features, including method and operator overloading, typing indicator, type of inheritance, and pointer arithmetic, were also added. It provides superb performance while being extremely fast.


  • Better Debugging Quality.

  • It executes Cross-platform Applications.

  • Compilation of Code is Easy.

  • Best for Ethereum Docker Project Development.

Even if you have basic knowledge about similar topics, it is a fairly simple platform to choose from. It has a highly supportive group working for it.

Pros of Golang

  • Golang makes coding easier.

  • It has built-in security.

  • It comes with a Standard Library.

  • Golang has simple and lightweight routines.

Cons of Golang

  • It does not support Inheritance.

  • It can only function with a restricted number of libraries.

  • OOP is not supported.

  • It does not include a GUI Library.

Comparison: Golang vs Python

The following is the comparison table of Golang vs Python −

Golang Python
Golang(Go) is a procedural programming language that is on concurrent programming. Python is a high-level programming language that is object-oriented in nature.
Golang does not support exceptions; instead of the exception, it has errors Exceptions are supported in Python.
Golang does not allow object-oriented programming. As a result, it lacks classes and objects. Python supports OOPs, Hence it has classes and objects.
Doesn’t support inheritance. supports inheritance.
It is compatible with channels and Goroutines. Goroutines and channels are not supported in Python.
Golang supports interfaces. Python doesn’t support interfaces.
Golang is a statically typed programming language. As a result, it makes use of a compiler. Python is a dynamically typed programming language. As a result, an interpreter is used.
More verbose Less verbose
Fully supports concurrency Python does not include a built-in concurrency mechanism.

Which One is Better? Golang or Python

When it comes to productivity, Golang is the best language to learn to become a more productive programmer. Because the syntax is restricted and the libraries are significantly lighter, it is possible to complete tasks in fewer lines of code. Python has an advantage in terms of adaptability mainly to the number of libraries and syntax options. However, adaptability comes at a cost, and that cost is productivity.

Which language is more productive in this clash between Python and Golang?

Golang is the winner because it is intended to be more productive, easier to debug, and, most importantly, easier to read.

Python is without a doubt the most popular choice for developers looking to create a machine-learning model. Python is the preferred choice for machine learning since it is the home of TensorFlow, a deep-learning framework built on Python. Pseudo-code is widely used for learning the fundamentals of computer science, such as algorithms and data structures. Knowing a programming language, such as Python, which is similar to pseudocode, is an extra benefit that facilitates learning.

Golang, on the other hand, is very fast, easy to write, and comes with Go doc, which generates documentation automatically, making the programmer's life easier.


In this article, we learned about Python and the Go programming language, as well as their differences. We also learned which language is superior, so we can declare which is preferable.

Updated on: 16-Dec-2022


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