Is Blockchain comparable to ‘the internet’?

In recent years, there has been a lot of discussion and conjecture about the Internet's future. The proliferation of social media and the emergence of virtual worlds and immersive experiences have contributed to the Internet's ubiquity as a medium for communication and business. In addition, the growth of Blockchain signals a significant change coming to the Internet. However, the Internet has seen other changes before. The Internet has undergone two essential evolutions since it first became widely used, and a third is soon to follow. These changes have affected the entire world, altering how people live, work, and use the Internet and how we utilise it.

What is Blockchain?

A blockchain is a distributed network of users that share an encrypted digital database. Every network transaction is documented, confirmed, and saved in a database. In addition, all network users are notified of transactions, creating an irrevocable transaction log.

Blockchain is based on technology where many copies of the same data are spread throughout a network, as opposed to just one server or database. As a result, participants can access the same data version in almost real-time because a single institution or centralised authority does not control it. In addition, decentralised administration makes transaction processing faster and less expensive because of its decentralised nature, enabling untrusted participants to agree on the database state.

Will Blockchain create a new internet framework?

I want to respond with a resounding "YES" when you ask if Blockchain is laying the cornerstone for the new century internet. The simple explanation is that it contains characteristics that can close systemic gaps. I'll go over these by one −

The upkeep of digital identities

It wouldn't be incorrect to say that in the current internet era, there are many digital identities that we must maintain. With so many numbers, it might be challenging to remember everything. By using Blockchain, we can reduce this and develop a user-centric system. Blockchain technology is user-centric, in contrast to the conventional internet infrastructure.


A transparent system is the best feature of the Blockchain. It implies that everything is visible, traceable, and trackable. The Internet gained popularity because it made procedures and operations more straightforward. Similarly, Blockchain aspires to streamline further and make the process frictionless.


The centralisation of conventional internet technology is an issue. Everything is managed and monitored centrally, so if something goes wrong at the main server, it might disrupt the entire system. However, the system as a whole is decentralised regarding the Blockchain. Therefore, Blockchain is a promising idea for replacing the Internet because there is little possibility of losing any information.

Secured transactions

One more important characteristic that makes Blockchain a well-liked idea is a security it provides. A platform provided by Blockchain allows you to guarantee a secure and safe operation. The distributed ledger generates an unchangeable, untouchable record of transactions. The records are all secure since you cannot alter the data in this ledger.

Internet problems with Blockchain

There are several clear difficulties, even though the idea of a blockchain-based Internet may appear doable. First, like previous blockchain initiatives, reaching a critical mass of users will be one of the platform's main challenges to seeing network effects.

Second, misuse resulting from anonymity is a significant problem in the blockchain industry, including using cryptocurrencies for nefarious activities like selling illegal narcotics or weapons. Given that the decentralised Internet prioritises data privacy, it is not obvious how—or if—such a system would stop users from engaging in criminal conduct.

Finally, the software that keeps blockchain networks operational is run by network users. Participants may stop donating their computational resources if the monetary rewards for participation are not alluring enough to encourage these efforts. A delicate balance will be required to make the decentralised blockchain-based Internet sustainable.

Blockchain's value

A single piece of technology—Blockchain—enables this revolution that will give rise to the third generation of the Internet. This distributed, data-first, authoritative Internet is built around a blockchain. Why is blockchain technology such a vital component of this revolution? The following characteristics of Blockchain will make this shift possible −

Ownership is dispersed on a blockchain. The right of the data on a blockchain is not centralised. A blockchain is accessible to everyone, and anyone can read it. Therefore, a blockchain's distribution is open to everyone.

A blockchain's data cannot be curated, moderated, prioritised, or filtered by a single organisation. No one can control how the data is used by users because there is no single owner of the data. It indicates that there aren't any data power brokers controlling and managing shared information, like social media firms. In other words, by making all transactions visible and data verifiable, the Blockchain promotes trust in data and its source. As there is no single owner of the Internet's communications backbone, Blockchain is akin to the IP transportation infrastructure of the Internet. The backbone is supported by organisations including AT&T, Verizon, Deutsche Telekom, and NTT Communications.

What Will Blockchain Do Next?

Blockchain is still in its infancy, but it's developing swiftly. Although there is always room for improvement, technical obstacles like scalability, data protection, and technology standards prevent widespread use. Additionally, a market-wide understanding of technological applications in comparison to the current regulatory framework is necessary for Blockchain. There are other technical difficulties with security. Security lapses have historically been caused by the user and human error rather than the underlying technology, yet these flaws must be fixed.

It will take time to create the appropriate tools and handle these constraints. Still, ongoing investment in blockchain technology is expected to provide solutions for many of these issues, much like other technical revolutions in the past.

TIM is a brand-new protocol created by www.Talking.IM. It decentralises power and promotes equality. It relies on evidence of affiliation (PoB). PoB allows cheap transaction costs for areas with little business.

Blockchain can therefore be useful in underdeveloped areas like Africa. PoB is also hyperlocal, so events or a spike in kitten game activity in Canada won't make everyone else wait for processing. Instead, the network self-manages itself through geo-mining to maximise responsiveness and fees.

Blockchain will develop like how the Internet does. Thus, the quick response is that Blockchain is the new Internet. But it still has a long way to go before it unifies.

Updated on: 26-Oct-2022


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