iRight Framework

Modern cameras were a problem in the late 19th century. It is now social networks and smartphones. Who can predict what tomorrow will bring? Concerns about these problems are shared by parents, educators, and organizations in the fields of mental health, technology, business, media, culture, and legislation.

Likewise, as evidenced by the findings of the intriguing "youth juries" conducted by iRights, it was created by a group that included Firefox, Nesta, Mind Candy, NASUWT, Joanna Shields, and the NSPCC. The group collaborated with Schillings on the legal analysis, which was delivered on June 3, 2015, to the House of Lords.

The iRights Five Tenets

Following are the five tenets of iRights −

The Right to Remove

As a result, kids and teenagers have the freedom to try to influence the search engine results. For instance, individuals could request that old school images of them that portray them negatively and inaccurately not be used. Children and teenagers are protected from the improper disclosure of their personal information and have the right to respect for their home, communication, family, and private lives.

The right to privacy of children and young people is protected by law and may not be violated by public authorities 20 unless doing so is required in a democratic society, in the interest of national security, public safety, or the country's economic well-being, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the preservation of the rights and freedoms of others.

The Right to Know

Children and young people who purchase items from a seller have a right to be given terms and conditions that are written in a way that is clear and comprehensible to them. Plain language should be used in privacy statements for websites and digital technologies that explain how data is gathered and processed, as well as cookie rules that describe how a website uses cookies.

There will also be "transparent" regulations in the forthcoming Data Protection Regulation. Under the new Data Protection Regulation 37 and the Cybercrime Directive 2013/40/EU (which is scheduled to take effect in the UK on October 1, 2015), children and young people will have the right to know if their individual material has been compromised.

The Right to Safety and Support

Anyone who comes across uncomfortable or disturbing situations online should have access to protection and help, but occasionally the behavior is beyond this and crosses the line into criminal activity. For the purposes of this research, we limit our analysis to how the law shields children and young people from criminal activity. A kid or young person (in this case, someone under the age of 16) has the right not to experience physical, mental, or moral harm as a result of marketing communications that are directed toward or target children. Internet retailers and marketers must use caution when promoting things that are inappropriate for children and refrain from encouraging kids to imitate potentially dangerous behaviors.

The Right to Make Informed and Conscious Choices

When delivering marketing messages to kids and teenagers, caution must be exercised. Children and teenagers have a right to protection against the effects of careless marketing. Any marketing messages aimed at kids (who, for this purpose, are under the age of 16) cannot take advantage of their gullibility, weakness, or lack of life experience.

Children and teenagers have a right not to feel inferior or unpopular just because they choose not to purchase the promoted product. Children and young people must be able to appraise the size, features, and performance of the things being sold with ease, as well as be able to differentiate between fiction and reality. If a company makes an automated decision regarding a kid or young person, that individual has a right to know about it. "Automated decisions" are judgments made about a youngster or young person based on the personal data that they have uploaded to the internet.

Children and teenagers are less likely than adults to be the target of automated decision-making in practice, but it is nevertheless possible. Whenever a child or young person learns that they are the subject of automated decision making without their knowledge, they have the right to cease it by notifying the company in writing and asking them not to use their personal data in any automated decisions.

The Right to Digital Literacy

Media literacy promotion is mandated by law and is the responsibility of OFCOM, the organization in charge of overseeing the broadcasting and telecommunications sectors. Media literacy enables people, including children and young people, to have the skills, knowledge, and understanding to fully utilize services like the Internet. OFCOM is responsible for taking into account how children and teenagers use the Internet to post information and comprehending the possible risks associated with the online environment.

At the age of six, they must be taught how to use technology properly, safely, and with respect (Key Stage 1). At the age of six, they must be instructed in maintaining the privacy of personal information. At the age of six, schools must teach kids and teens where to turn for support and assistance if they have concerns about online content or other online technology. Children and young people must be taught how to recognize behavior that is undesirable in the online world starting at Key Stage 2 (between the ages of 7 and 11).


It is clear from the foregoing that iRights are protected by a robust legal system. Yet, since kids and teenagers don't have the full protection that the legislation provides, it is largely theoretical at the moment. We primarily blame a lack of implementation, resources, and education for this, along with the expense, stress, and difficulty of taking legal action to uphold legal rights.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are human rights?

Ans. All people in the world, from conception to natural death, are entitled to some fundamental liberties and privileges known as human rights. No matter where you are from, what you believe, or how you choose to spend your life, they still apply. Although they are sometimes restricted, they can never be taken away.

Q2. What does the Protection of Human Rights Act of 1993 define as a human right?

Ans. According to Section 2 of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"), "human rights" refers to the freedoms to live, to be treated equally by others, and to be respected for one's individual dignity that are guaranteed by the Indian Constitution or by international treaties and are upheld by Indian courts.

Q3. What was the term for human rights originally?

Ans. The first legal declaration to outline the essential human rights that should be universally protected was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948. All international human rights law is still built on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which reached 70 in 2018.

Updated on: 03-Apr-2023


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