IoT security: Tips and Solution

IoT gadgets are the most popular since they use today's advanced technology. The Internet of Things gadget is a double-edged sword. The convenience technology delivers to daily life comes with a risk to personal safety and security. IoT devices are a prime target for hackers who might do you harm or abuse your system for their ends. It doesn't mean we have to give up using such a gadget altogether, but we need to adopt some safety measures that help prevent users from being victimized by such dangers. This piece will look at security recommendations (about ten in all) for Internet of Things devices to ensure the best possible operation.

The Complexity Of The Internet Of Things

IoT refers to the "Internet of Things," a network of interconnected computing and non-computing objects. Copier machines, freezers, blood glucose monitors, and coffee makers are just a few examples of non-traditional electrical items that might benefit from being linked. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a topic of discussion because of its potential to bridge the connection gap between traditionally disconnected technologies and the physical world. Among the many advantages of IoT, businesses are increased worker productivity, enhanced remote monitoring, and simplified procedures.

IoT Security: What Else Do You Need to Know?

Unhappily, this pattern has played out time and time again in the realm of technology: we jump on the latest and greatest, only to worry about its safety after the fact. It's been the same with the Internet of Things gadgets. Hacks, which can range from harmless to potentially catastrophic, are a common reason for their coverage in the media.

The Department of Homeland Security has put up a detailed document on protecting Internet of Things (IoT) gadgets because of its importance. Even though many things have changed in the IoT world since I wrote this article five years ago, many of the principles and best practices it outlines are still relevant and should be considered.

IoT Security Tips

Here are a few tips mentioned below on IoT security. Those are

All IoT Devices Require Configuration

When smart cat litter boxes and smart salt shakers enter the market, it will be clear that we have reached or are very close to reaching peak adoption for Internet of Things devices. However, you shouldn't forget about them or believe they come well set up for security. Any equipment left unattended and unprotected leaves itself vulnerable to hacking.

Familiarize Yourself With Your Tech

An accurate and up-to-date inventory of all Internet of Things (IoT) assets is essential, as is knowledge of the sorts of devices on your network.

With the introduction of new Internet of Things or IoT devices to the network, it is essential that you maintain an accurate asset map. Manufacturer and model ID, serial number, software and firmware versions, etc.

Demand Robust Usernames and Passwords

Common practices include reusing the same login credentials across many devices and utilizing weak passwords.

Each employee should have a unique login, and strong passwords should be required. Always update the factory-set password on new devices and consider using two-factor authentication if it's an option. Use public key infrastructure (PKI) and digital certificates to establish an encrypted foundation for device identification and trust to establish reliable connections.

Make Use Of Full-Stack Encryption

Whenever two connected devices exchange information, it is passed from one to the other, and unfortunately, this process frequently occurs without any sort of encryption. While preventing packet sniffing, a typical attack must encrypt data at every transport. All devices should have the option to send and receive data securely. Think about other options if they don't.

Keep Your Device Up-to-Date

As it may have upgraded the device's firmware and software after it was manufactured and sold, it is recommended that you perform an update before using it for the first time. To save time, turn on the auto-update function of the device if it has one. And remember to check the device for updates regularly.

Make sure the router's username and password are changed on the server. Manufacturer names are commonly used as the default for router names. Using your company's name online is likewise discouraged.

Turn Off Extra Features

Disabling unused features or functions is a useful security measure. It includes Web servers, databases, and anything else where code injection is possible, such as those with open TCP/UDP ports, serial ports, open password prompts unencrypted communications, or unprotected radio connections.

Do Not Connect To a Wi-Fi Network When In a Public Place.

Connecting your network via Starbucks Wi-Fi is bad, even if it isn't a bad idea in general. Public Wi-Fi hotspots are notorious for having poor security, being outdated, and being unupgraded. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) if you must connect to public Wi-Fi (VPN).

Create a System of Visitors

With a guest network, guests may use their Wi-Fi safely at home or the office. Guests can access the internet but cannot access your internal network.

If a device is hacked, the hacker will be unable to access the main network and will be forced to stay in the guest network.

Divide Your Network into Smaller Pieces

A network can be segmented into many smaller networks to manage traffic flows between devices and workloads. Nothing is isolated in a network that hasn't been segmented. Due to the interconnectivity of nodes, any hacker who manages to penetrate the firewall would have complete access to the network. Network segmentation makes it more difficult for intruders to hop from one area to another.

Organizations can design network segments that isolate IoT devices from IT assets using VLAN (virtual local area network ) setups and next-generation firewall regulations. In this approach, neither party should worry about the other being used from the side.

Also, think about implementing a Zero Trust Network. As its name suggests, Zero Confidence ensures the safety of all digital assets by not supposing any level of trust from any other digital assets, restricting intruders' actions.

Keep a Close Eye on Connected Gadgets

We cannot overstate the need for real-time monitoring, reporting, and alerting for enterprises to effectively manage the hazards associated with the Internet of Things.

There is a need for a fresh strategy since traditional endpoint security solutions typically fail to protect Internet of Things devices. It necessitates constant surveillance for anomalies. Allowing Internet-of-Things gadgets access to your network without closely monitoring them is equivalent to running a Zero Trust network.


Your organization's overall IT and cyber security strategy and best practices should include a section on securing your expanding IoT network. As you continue deploying devices to your infrastructure's periphery, more of your assets will be at risk from cyberattacks.

Updated on: 16-Dec-2022


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