Introduction to Tensor with Tensorflow

Tensor with Tensorflow : Introduction

Machine learning has recently gained popularity in the tech sector. It ultimately comes down to creating models and algorithms that can learn from data and forecast or take actions based on that data. Tensors, multidimensional arrays that can store numerical data, are one of the core ideas in machine learning.

Google created the open-source machine learning framework known as TensorFlow. It is intended to streamline the creation of machine learning models and increase developers' and researchers' access to them. Working with tensors is one of TensorFlow's primary functionalities. Tensors will be introduced, their use in TensorFlow will be discussed, and examples of working with them in Python will be given.

Tensor with Tensorflow


A multi-dimensional array can be used to represent a mathematical entity known as a tensor. A tensor of rank 0 is a scalar, a tensor of rank 1 is a vector, a tensor of rank 2 is a matrix, and so on. A tensor's rank is determined by how many dimensions it has. Tensors are the fundamental data structure in TensorFlow that is used to represent all data. Any type of numeric data, including integers and floating-point values, can be stored in tensors. By encoding non-numeric data, like text or images, in a number format, tensors can also be used to represent such non-numeric data. An open-source software library called TensorFlow is used for artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data processing. It was created by Google and has become well-known for its effective use of neural networks. TensorFlow offers a strong and adaptable programming environment for creating and refining intricate models. The fundamental data structure in TensorFlow is a tensor. Tensors and their application in TensorFlow will be discussed in this article.

Syntax of Tensors in TensorFlow

The syntax for creating a tensor in TensorFlow is straightforward. We can create a tensor using the tf.Tensor() function, which takes in a Python list or NumPy array as input.


  • Step 1: Import TensorFlow library − Start by using the command "import tensorflow as tf" to add the TensorFlow library to your Python environment.

  • Step 2: Create Tensors − Use the TensorFlow "tf.constant" method to create tensors. Tensors can be created from Python lists or arrays

  • Step 3: Perform Tensor Operations − Use the built-in functions of TensorFlow to perform different tensor manipulations. Addition, multiplication, division, and reshaping tensors are a few typical operations.

  • Step 4: Run a Session − A session is used in TensorFlow to carry out operations. By utilising the "tf.Session()" function to create a session, you can then use the "" method to carry out tensor operations.

  • Step 5: Close the Session − To release any resources that were being used by the session after the operations are complete, close the session using the "session.close()" method.


  • Approach 1 − Creating Tensors with TensorFlow Constant

  • Approach 2 − Creating Tensors with TensorFlow Placeholder

Approach 1: Creating Tensors with TensorFlow Constant

In this method, we'll use the TensorFlow constant to build a tensor. We can construct a tensor with a particular form and value using the constant function.


import tensorflow as tf

# Create a 2x3 tensor with all elements set to 0
tensor1 = tf.constant(0, shape=[2, 3])

# Create a 3x2 tensor with all elements set to 1
tensor2 = tf.constant(1, shape=[3, 2])

# Print the tensors
print("Tensor 1:\n", tensor1)
print("Tensor 2:\n", tensor2)


Tensor 1:
[[0 0 0]
 [0 0 0]], shape=(2, 3), dtype=int32)
Tensor 2:
[[1 1]
 [1 1]
 [1 1]], shape=(3, 2), dtype=int32)

Approach 2: Creating Tensors with TensorFlow Placeholder

In this method, we'll use the TensorFlow constant to build a tensor. We can construct a tensor with a particular form and value using the constant function.


import tensorflow as tf

# Create a placeholder for a 2x3 tensor
placeholder1 = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[2, 3])

# Create a placeholder for a 3x2 tensor
placeholder2 = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[3, 2])

# Create a tensor by multiplying the two placeholders
tensor = tf.matmul(placeholder1, placeholder2)

# Feed data into the placeholders
data1 = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
data2 = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]

# Evaluate the tensor
with tf.Session() as sess:
   result =, feed_dict={placeholder1: data1, placeholder2: data2})
   print("Result:\n", result)


[[22 28]
[49 64]]

In this example, we made two placeholders for two tensors and then multiplied the two placeholders to make a tensor. The placeholders were then filled with data, and a session was used to assess the tensor. A 2x2 tensor is the end product.


For numerical calculation, TensorFlow is a potent open-source software library that is frequently used in applications for deep learning and machine learning. Tensors, multi-dimensional arrays that represent data and computations in a graph, may be defined and manipulated by users, and it offers a flexible platform for developing and implementing machine learning models.

You may create and deploy a wide variety of machine learning models for different applications, from image recognition and natural language processing to recommender systems and predictive analytics, by studying the fundamentals of tensors and TensorFlow. To develop your machine learning projects, you can explore more sophisticated aspects of TensorFlow as you gain experience using it, such as distributed computing and custom operations.

Updated on: 12-Oct-2023


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