Introduction to P Block Elements


S and p-block together are called the main group elements of the periodic table. And is the reason that this block constitutes a majority of elements in the periodic table. The discovery of many elements by scientists leads to the classification of elements properly and sequentially. Which further resulted in the formation of periodic tables we use now for studying the properties of elements. Elements with similar electronic structures are arranged in a way that they can be studied by comparing properties. Based on this there are several blocks in the periodic table such as s,p,d,and f blocks. The elements present in each group share some common properties.

What are p-Block Elements?

The collection of elements in which the last electrons enter into the p subshell of electronic configuration is p block elements. The general outer electronic configuration of the elements present in this block is ns^2 np^((1-6)). They are an important part of the periodic table since it constitutes about 5 groups. The groups from 13-18 are present in this block. And these groups consist of many important metallic and non-metallic elements that play a huge role in our life. For example, Oxygen, the non-metal, is present in this category. The first member of each group in the p block is very important and the group is based on this member. The names of the groups are provided below.

  • Group 13 − The first element is Boron and hence it is identified as Boron family with other elements such as Aluminium, Gallium, Indium, etc.

  • Group 14 − The first element is Carbon and hence it is identified as Carbon family with other elements such as Silicon, Germanium, Tin, etc.

  • Group 15 − The first element is Nitrogen and hence it is identified as the Nitrogen family with other elements such as Phosphorus, Arsenic, Antimony, etc.

  • Group 16 − The first element is Oxygen and hence it is identified as the Oxygen family with other elements such as Sulphur, it is also given the name chalcogens.

  • Group 17 − The first element is Fluorine and hence it is identified as Fluorine family with other elements such as Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, etc. The common and well-known name of this group of periodic tables is halogens.

  • Group 18 − The first element is Helium which is commonly identified and known as a noble gas or inert gas. And is because of its characteristic property that they have completed their octet and are very stable elements. Other elements are Neon, Argon, Krypton, etc.

A majority of elements are included in this block. P-block together with s-block is called representative elements because of this reason.

Properties or Characteristics of p-Block Elements

As elements with the same general outer electronic configuration are present in p-block elements, the properties of all the elements are almost similar. And they follow a regular trend in the periodic table.

Some of the properties or characteristics of p block elements are pointed out below.

  • The last electron of all the elements is present in the p subshell.

  • For all the elements the penultimate shell or the shell just before the last shell contains an electron count of 2 or 8 or 18.

  • On moving left to right along the p block elements the metallic character increases.

  • The trend in ionization energy in the p block element is in a way that it will increase on moving from left to right. On moving down the group present in the p block element the ionization energy increases.

  • The oxidizing nature of p block elements is increasing on moving from left to right.

  • Acidic oxides are formed by most of the elements present in the p block.

  • Catenation property is most commonly found in the elements present in the periodic table. Among the elements, the non-metallic element shows greater strength of catenation. And they are homo catenations. The probability of a catenation decreases on moving down the group. Silicon present in the group along with the carbon shows only heterocatination.

  • All the elements present in this block will not give colour when exposed to flame.

  • Several allotropes are present in this block element. For example, carbon has many allotropes such as diamond, graphite, Fullerene, etc.

  • Except for noble gas elements, these elements show various oxidation states from +1 to +7.

  • Electronegativity of p-block elements increases on moving left to right.

Uses of p-Block Elements

It is a particular block that contains all the varieties of elements such as metals, nonmetals, and metalloids, the use of p block elements is also very wide. The elements present in a p block have shown many applications and uses industrially, commercially, etc. Some of the uses of elements present in the p block are pointed out below.

  • The compound formed from boron, borax has been found in applications in the glass and ceramics manufacturing units.

  • The metallic element aluminium is used for the making of cooking utensils, cables, for making foils, iron protection, etc.

  • Semiconductors are made up of the elements from the periodic table such as germanium, arsenic, gallium, and silicon.

  • In the disinfectant chlorine is present. Especially in water purification.

  • The allotropes of carbon such as diamond and graphite have many applications. Diamond is used for cutting glasses and graphite is used as a lubricant.

  • The compounds made up of carbon elements are very important in many fields such as the pharmaceutical and industrial sectors. The ability of the non-metal carbon to show catenation is responsible for the organic chemistry field.


The elements that are included in the p block have a general configuration in a way that the last electron of each element enters into the p subshell. Groups starting from 13 to 18 are present in this block. They are very important since a major portion of the periodic table is present in this block. And the elements may be metallic, non-metallic, and metalloids. They show regular trends in properties such as electronegativity, ionization energy, oxidizing nature, etc. The general electronic configuration of elements in this block is ns2 np(1-6). The applications of elements present in this block are also wide.


1. Are P block elements reactive?

The reactivity of p-block elements except noble gas elements increases on moving left to right and decreases on moving down the group of periodic tables.

2. What are the metals of p-block elements?

The metals present in p-block are, aluminium, gallium, tin, bismuth, thallium, indium, and lead.

3. Give some examples of non-metals present in p-block.

Nitrogen, sulphur, chlorine, bromine, iodine, helium, neon, oxygen, carbon, etc. are non-metals.

4. Give some examples of metalloids present in the p-block.

Some metalloids are silicon, antimony, astatine, polonium, boron, germanium, etc.

5. What type of hydrides are formed by P-block elements?

P-block elements form covalent hydrides. Some of the hydrides formed by p-block elements that have much importance are water, ammonia, methane, etc.

Updated on: 18-Mar-2024


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