Introduction to Dynamic CLI in Python

Understanding how to create command-line interfaces (CLI) is crucial now more than ever as the world of programming develops. Python makes it exceedingly simple to construct dynamic CLIs because of its simplicity and extensive library support. The dynamic CLI construction in Python is covered in this article along with various examples.

Why Command-Line Interfaces?

You can communicate with your programme directly thanks to command-line interfaces. Users can successfully engage with your programme by giving inputs and receiving outputs through well defined commands and parameters. Running scripts, automating processes, and testing software can all benefit from this.

Python Libraries for CLI

Python provides a number of libraries for building dynamic CLIs. Among them, argparse, click, and fire are the most often used. The click and fire libraries will be the main topic of this paper.

Getting Started with Click

A Python module called Click makes it easy to build stunning command-line interfaces. Use pip to install click 

pip install click

Example 1: Basic Click CLI

Here is a straightforward CLI programme using click 

import click

@click.option('--name', default='World', help='Who to greet.')
def greet(name):
   click.echo(f'Hello {name}!')

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this case, the command-line option --name is accepted by the greet command.

Getting Started with Fire

Fire is a library for creating command-line interfaces (CLIs) from any Python object automatically. Use pip to install fire 

pip install fire

Example 2: Basic Fire CLI

Here is a straightforward CLI programme that uses fire 

import fire

class Greeter(object):

  def greet(self, name='World'):
     return f'Hello {name}!'

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this case, the command-line option name is accepted by the Greeter command.

Creating Dynamic CLIs

Dynamic CLIs allow commands and options to alter in response to input from the user or outside variables.

Example 3: Dynamic Click CLI

Here is an illustration of a click-based dynamic CLI 

import click

@click.option('--greeting', default='Hello', help='Greeting to use.')
def greet(greeting, name):
   click.echo(f'{greeting}, {name}!')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Example 4: Dynamic Fire CLI

Here is an illustration of a fire-based dynamic CLI 

import fire

class Greeter(object):

  def greet(self, greeting='Hello', name='World'):
     return f'{greeting}, {name}!'

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

By giving inputs to the greet function in this dynamic example, the greeting and the name can both be modified.

Example 5: Advanced Click CLI

The click can be used to create CLIs with several commands.Team decorator 

import click
def cli():

@click.option('--name', default='World', help='Who to greet.')
def greet(name):
   click.echo(f'Hello {name}!')

@click.option('--title', default='Stranger', help='How to address.')
def salute(title):
   click.echo(f'Good day, {title}!')

if __name__ == '__main__':

We have two commands in this example: greet and salute. Each may be called using its appropriate options.

Example 6: Advanced Fire CLI

With fire, we can create multi-command CLIs similarly to how we did with click by just adding more methods to our class −

import fire

class Conversation(object):

   def greet(self, name='World'):
      return f'Hello {name}!'

   def salute(self, title='Stranger'):
      return f'Good day, {title}!'

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this instance, our Conversation class is using the greet and salute techniques. For each method in the class, Fire will create commands.


Python offers great support for building dynamic command-line interfaces, with packages like click and fire offering strong functionality to build reliable, adaptable CLIs. These tools let Python developers easily create user-friendly, interactive CLIs, ranging from simple, single-command scripts to complex, multi-command apps.

The examples given in this article should help you understand how to create both basic and sophisticated dynamic CLIs. You can now develop your own command-line apps that address a range of use-cases after mastering these fundamentals.

The significance of command-line interfaces in task automation, software testing, and system management makes them an indispensable tool for many developers and users. By using Python's libraries to their full potential, we can build dynamic CLIs that

Updated on: 17-Jul-2023


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