Introduction and Installation of Jython


Jython, commonly known as "Python for Java" is a powerful python programming language which has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) based version in it . It brings together the strength and easy work elasticity of Java and Python, allowing coders to enrich themselves by using Java's libraries and frameworks and while coding in one the easiest coding language that is python. This combined version of Java and Python is Jython, where coders are allowed to access java 's classes and libraries from python scripts.

Recently, Jython has immensely popularized, mainly among the coders who mostly prefer to use python efficiently in a Java- based setting.Thus Jython becomes one of the best options where someone can use. Since Jython supports python in almost every way so many varieties of applications can be created. Let's check out how to install a Jython and set up a workspace, in this article which will help to start developing the scripts in Jython.


We will make sure that all the required files and software components are installed and next we will set up the environment, so that before coding in Jython everything goes smoothly and properly.

Java Development Kit (JDK)

Jython is the mixture of Python and Java, it is general that we will need the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), to run Jython scripts. So after successfully installing Jython we will install Java Virtual Machine.

Now, the essential part regarding installing Java Virtual Machine comes here, that is after installing JVM (instructions can be followed by Oracle or AdoptOpenJDK to install JVM), we should make sure that the installed JDK is the target of JAVA_HOME environment variable, because Jython uses JDK to run its Java code from Python scripts, if this step is not done properly we may land into problems.

Jython Installation Package

Keep note that Jython is only accessible on a few platforms as of now, like Windows,macOS and Linux. While installing, select the latest and stable release of Jython. It is always a better option to download the Jython from its Official site(

After downloading gets over, import all the package's content to a directory. Thus, this directory becomes your Jython installation directory.

Environment Variables

So, after the second step of installing we will now launch Jython. To launch it from any location we must configure some essential environmental variables. Depending on the operating system you own, there might be several procedures for setting up the environment variables which may vary. Each OS has its own procedure to configure it.


Right-click --> "This PC" or "My Computer" in Windows --> "Properties"--> "Advanced" tab --> "Environment Variables" option --> System Properties box. Locate the "System variables" area in the Environment Variables window and click "New."

The path to the Jython installation directory should be entered as the value of a new variable called JYTHON_HOME. Set JYTHON_HOME to C:jython, for instance, if the Jython package was extracted to that location. The Path variable should also be edited to add %JYTHON_HOME%bin to the end of its value. By performing this action, you can launch Jython from the command prompt without providing the complete path.

Linux and MacOS

In Linux or macOS operating system-->terminal Window-->then go to home directory. Do edit the .bash_profile or .bashrc file by using a text editor some of which are nano or vi.

Insert these below given lines to the file:
export JYTHON_HOME=/path/to/jython

Replace /path/to/jython with the actual path to your Jython installation directory.In order to apply the changes save the file and run the below given command.

source ~/.bash_profile


source ~/.bashrc


After all the above steps, we will now verify that Jython is installed properly or not. For that, a command prompt or a terminal can also be used, next type the below written command.

jython --version

You ought to see the version information presented in the console if Jython has been set up correctly.

Congratulations! Jython has been installed and your development environment has been set up successfully. You are now prepared to begin creating Jython scripts and utilising Python and Java's smooth connection.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

While any text editor can be used to create Jython scripts, adopting an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) can significantly increase productivity. Jython development is also supported by some well-known Python IDEs. Here are a few IDE possibilities to think about −

  • PyCharm − JetBrains' PyCharm is a robust IDE that is popularly used for Python development. It offers first-rate Jython project support, including syntax highlighting, code completion, debugging, and version control system integration. PyCharm offers a professional edition with cutting-edge features in addition to a community edition with more basic functionality.

  • Eclipse with PyDev − Eclipse is a well-liked Java IDE that may be enhanced by a number of plugins. A plugin for Eclipse called PyDev adds support for Python and Jython. It offers functions including project management, code analysis, and debugging. If you are already familiar with Eclipse or would like a lighter IDE, Eclipse with PyDev is an excellent choice.

  • NetBeans − Through the Jython plugin, NetBeans, another Java IDE, enables Jython programming. It has functions including project management, code completion, and debugging. A user-friendly interface and a variety of helpful plugins are offered by the free and open-source IDE NetBeans.

Select an IDE based on your interests and needs. Install the selected IDE, then configure Jython support by following the directions in the IDE documentation.

Testing the Installation

Let's run a quick test to make sure Jython is properly integrated with your selected IDE.

  • Create a new Jython project or file by launching your IDE.

  • Write the following code to your file or project −

print("Hello, Jython!")
  • Check the console output after running the code. If everything is configured properly, the console should display the text "Hello, Jython!"

Good luck if the test is a success! You've finished setting up Jython in your preferred IDE and installing it.


Jython is the best platform for the coders who want to mix the style and simplicity of Python and along with those who want many libraries and frameworks that are available in the Java ecosystem. Well, Jython is the robust and adaptable platform for it. By this we can encourage coders to use Jython where he/she can find both Java infrastructure and Python's simplicity.

In this article we have discussed some of the basic concepts like steps to install Jython. These tips and instructions will help to set up Jython on the computer, so that everyone can start creating applications that have both the flavors of Python and Java.

Updated on: 11-Oct-2023


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