Interesting Voice-Enabled Internet of Things (IoT) Applications

Voice technology has been popular worldwide for quite some years because of its uses. People have now understood the benefits it has to offer. Hence, because of its heavy demand, developers are designing various voice technology applications to make it easier for people to solve their everyday problems.

Voice-enabled technology allows computers to interact with humans and create a relationship between the digital world and humans. Through this technology, we can talk to our devices and give them human commands to finish our work. What's astonishing is these devices take little time to get trained, thanks to artificial intelligence and machine learning.

None of us can spend a day without smartphones because they have made our lives only easier. Similarly, in this article, we will talk about some interesting voice-enabled interesting applications that have solved a multitude of problems and saved us some time.

Interesting Voice-Enabled Applications of IoT

Smart Homes

Previously, we already had remote and real-time monitoring access to the devices installed in our homes. But voice-enabled technology helped us take a step forward. It made our homes smart.

Previously, we had to give touch commands to these interconnected devices to work. But now, the work can be done only with the help of sound.

Amazon Echo, Google Nest, and Samsung SmartThings have made our homes smart. Now we can give our voice commands to the interconnected devices from a single platform, and the work is done.

Digital Workplace

Certainly, this advancement of technology is helping the professional areas too. It has brought about a revolution in the workplace.

We can find voice-enabled virtual assistants in the offices to help employees increase their efficiency. The employees no longer have to waste time scheduling meetings and interviews or setting reminders. Voice-enabled technologies like allows employees to send emails or look for some documents only by giving voice commands.

Other voice-enabled applications also help these employees to convert speech into text. Therefore, there's no need to write notes. Whatever they speak will itself be written, saving them time. Microsoft has already given it as a built-in feature.

Intelligent Energy Management

Since residences have adopted these voice-enabled technologies, energy companies have started giving energy consumption information through Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, etc. They also pass energy-saving recommendations through these applications.

Moreover, if a company wants to cut its call center costs, it can use conversational assistants, which allow customers to find their account balance, rates, or any other basic information.


Many voice-enabled assistants also help doctors to improve the patient experience. These applications update a patient's medical record and give information about their treatments, all with the help of a voice.

Orbita, a health tech company, has made a voice-enabled health virtual assistant for effective communication between hospital staff. If communication becomes streamlined automatically, the response time decreases. Similarly, KidsMD is another application that enables parents to get clinical information about their children on Alexa-enabled devices.

Voice Payments

Voice technology has made up its mark in the financial sector too. Some big names like Bank of America and Ally Bank are already using text and voice-based conversational agents to improve customer experience. It helps them know their balance, set up their accounts, or get answers to FAQs.

Taking a step forward, people have begun trusting this technology so much that they have started making voice payments too. People tend to use voice payments for low-priced products or subscriptions.

Public Transportation

It is no surprise to see companies like Uber providing voice-activated ordering systems.

Alexa lets its users get information about buses and trains through their voice. We can also find out the routes to reach the destination.

Smart Education

Recently, many well-known universities have emphasized the need to incorporate voice-based learning in the education system to improve student performance.

Technologies like Amazon Alexa can quickly help students look for documents, university resources, research papers, and curricula.

In-car Voice Assistants

Previously we had to use mirrors or bring our heads out of the windows of the cars to know if we were parking it right or how much space was available. We had to do this, so we didn't hit another vehicle.

But recently, every new car model has an inbuilt voice assistant that helps to know the distance between two vehicles or runs on your commands.

It is also an effective sales technique. Ferrari FF also has Apple's CarPlay in-vehicle infotainment system. At the same time, Lamborghini HURACAN EVO has Alexa.

Conclusion: Future of Voice Technology

As we saw above, voice technology is only increasing with time. Consumers find voice technology better than touch technology because they do not even need to lift their hands and touch an interface. They can speak from a distance, and their work is done.

Some prominent voice-enabled application companies like Amazon and Google are in tough competition to gain the loyalty of their consumers. For this, they are constantly upgrading their technologies. Whatever the reason, it only benefits the customers as they keep adding new features beneficial to us.

With the exponential increase in voice technology, we cannot deny that it will bring us many opportunities as it saves us time. Thus, certainly, voice technology has a bright future worldwide. Let's wait for more innovations in this technology to see how it makes our lives easier.

Updated on: 10-Feb-2023


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