Interactive Charts using Pywedge package in machine learning


In machine learning, Pywedge is a powerful library for creating dynamic graphs. Here is a rundown of what you can do with Pywedge and some of its features. In addition, the benefits of using Pywedge for interactive charting are highlighted, such as the program's ease of use and its ability to enhance data visualization.

Installing Pywedge


Make sure your computer fulfills these specifications before installing Pywedge and using it for interactive charting in ML −

  • The Pywedge package requires Python 3.6 or later.

  • Necessary external programs (like Pandas and Matplotlib)

Installation Steps

The following are the steps of installing Pywedge −

To do this −

  • Open a command prompt or terminal.

  • It is suggested that you create a new Python environment.

  • Activate the simulated setting.

  • Package managers (pip, conda, etc.) can be used to set up Pywedge.

  • When the installation has been verified, import the package into a Python script or interactive session.

Following these instructions, you may successfully install Pywedge and begin creating dynamic charts for your ML applications.

Loading and Preparing Data

A. Importing Required Libraries

Importing libraries required for data loading and preparation is the first step. This action guarantees that all necessary features and tools for productive data manipulation are accessible.

B. Loading Data

Here, the process of loading the data or the dataset is done. Databases, Excel spreadsheets, and comma-separated values (CSV) files are all feasible possibilities. The Pywedge component is used to emphasize quick data loading times.

C. Data Preprocessing

During ML's data preprocessing step, the data is cleaned, processed, and prepared for analysis. How to handle missing values and outliers, as well as encoding categorical variables with Pywedge, are covered in this article. Your data will be in fine enough quality for use in interactive visualizations and machine learning algorithms if you follow these procedures.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

A. Overview of EDA

EDA is a fundamental process in data analysis that involves learning about the features and connections within a dataset. Finding trends, outliers, and potential insights is helpful before getting into ML work.

B. Basic Data Analysis With Pywedge

  • Summary Statistics − To quickly determine central tendencies like mean, median, and standard deviation, pywedge provides the necessary tools. These figures give a general overview of the data's most notable trends and distribution.

  • Data Visualization − Histograms, box plots, scatter plots, and bar charts are just some of the visualization options available in Pywedge. Data visualizations like these let researchers examine patterns in the data, spot outliers, and discover connections between factors.

C. Advanced EDA With Pywedge

  • Correlation Analysis − By calculating and displaying correlation matrices, Pywedge facilitates the discovery of interdependencies and connections between variables. Feature selection and the detection of multicollinearity are two areas where correlation analysis proves useful.

  • Dimensionality Reduction − Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) are two examples of dimensionality reduction methods that Pywedge makes easier to implement. These techniques make it simpler to see and understand complex data by reducing the dimensionality of the dataset without losing any useful information.

Creating Interactive Charts With Pywedge

Interactive charts enhance data visualization in ML. Pywedge provides a user-friendly interface for creating interactive charts. Below provided a code how to import pywedge, and code to implement different charts using pywedge.

Line Chart

Create a basic line chart using Pywedge to visualize trends and patterns in data. Use the Pywedge library to plot a line chart with customizable options.

Py Code −

import pywedge as pw

data = [...]  # Your data
chart = pw.Pywedge_Charts(data)

Multiple Lines on a Chart

Plot multiple lines on a single chart using Pywedge. Compare and analyze multiple datasets simultaneously with different line styles and colors.

Py code −

import pywedge as pw

data1 = [...]  # First dataset
data2 = [...]  # Second dataset
chart = pw.Pywedge_Charts(data1)

Bar Chart

Visualize categorical data using a basic bar chart in Pywedge. Display the frequency or distribution of categories using bars of varying heights.

Py code −

import pywedge as pw

data = [...]  # Your data
chart = pw.Pywedge_Charts(data)

Stacked Bar Chart

Create a stacked bar chart with Pywedge to represent multiple categories and subcategories. Compare the composition of different groups using stacked bars.

Py code −

import pywedge as pw

data = [...]  # Your data
chart = pw.Pywedge_Charts(data)

Scatter Plot

Generate a scatter plot using Pywedge to visualize the relationship between two variables. Each data point is represented by a marker on the plot.

Py code −

import pywedge as pw

data = [...]  # Your data
chart = pw.Pywedge_Charts(data)

Bubble Plot

Create a bubble plot with Pywedge to represent three variables. The size and color of the bubbles represent additional information about the data points.

Py code −

import pywedge as pw

data = [...]  # Your data
chart = pw.Pywedge_Charts(data)

Pie Chart

Pywedge allows you to easily create basic pie charts for displaying percentages and other ratios. Different sized pieces of pie indicate different categories.

Py code −

import pywedge as pw

data = [...]  # Your data
chart = pw.Pywedge_Charts(data)

Donut Chart

Pywedge may be used to make a donut chart, which is useful for showing what percentage each category accounts for. Additional data can be shown in the chart's central area.

Py code −

import pywedge as pw

data = [...]  # Your data
chart = pw.Pywedge_Charts(data)

Area Chart

Create a simple area chart to show numerical data across time using Pywedge. To emphasize the scope of the data, the region between the line and the x-axis has been filled.

Py code −

import pywedge as pw

data = [...]  # Your data
chart = pw.Pywedge_Charts(data)

Stacked Area Chart

Use Pywedge to make a stacked area map to compare how much each category added to the whole. Each area is on top of the one below it.

Py code −

import pywedge as pw

data = [...]  # Your data
chart = pw.Pywedge_Charts(data)

Customizing Interactive Charts

A. Modifying Chart Appearance

Here, we will look at how to change how dynamic charts made with Pywedge look. We'll learn how to change the colors, fonts, axis labels, titles, and other visual features to make the chart look better.

Py code −

import pywedge as pw

# Create a basic line chart
chart = pw.Pywedge_Charts(data=data, chart_type='line')

# Customize chart appearance
chart.set_chart_title("Customized Line Chart")

B. Adding Annotations and Labels

Labels and annotations provide depth and meaning to the interactive charts. Learn how to annotate your Pywedge charts with labels and legends.

Py code −

import pywedge as pw

# Create a basic scatter plot
chart = pw.Pywedge_Charts(data=data, chart_type='scatter')

# Add annotations and labels
chart.add_annotation(x=5, y=10, text='Point A')
chart.add_annotation(x=7, y=15, text='Point B')

C. Handling Interactions and Events

Users can dynamically examine data by interacting with interactive charts. Here, we'll use Pywedge to learn how to respond to events and interactions like mouseovers, clicks, and zooming in and out.

Py code −

import pywedge as pw

# Create a basic bar chart
chart = pw.Pywedge_Charts(data=data, chart_type='bar')

# Handle interactions and events

Exporting and Sharing Interactive Charts

A. Saving Charts as HTML Files

To save the interactive charts created using Pywedge as HTML files, you can follow these steps −

Choose the desired chart type.

  • Modify the labels and visual style of the chart.

  • The chart should be generated using the plot() method.

  • To export the chart to an HTML file, you can use Pywedge's save_as_html() function.

Py code −

import pywedge as pw

# Create and customize the chart
chart = pw.PywedgeChart(data=df, x='x_column', y='y_column', chart_type='line')
chart.set_title('My Interactive Chart')
chart.set_labels(x_label='X-axis', y_label='Y-axis')

# Generate the chart

# Save the chart as an HTML file

B. Embedding Charts in Web Pages

  • To embed the interactive charts in web pages, you can follow these steps −

  • Use the preceding procedures to save the chart as an HTML file.

  • In order to get the HTML file up on your server, copy it there.

  • Insert the code for the chart into the HTML document.

Html code −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Embedded Chart</title>
   <h1>My Embedded Chart</h1>
   <iframe src="chart.html" width="800" height="600"></iframe>

C. Sharing Interactive Charts Online

To publish dynamic charts online, you can utilize any of the many services that allow users to save and distribute HTML documents. A few well-liked choices are GitHub Pages, Heroku, and Netlify. To distribute your HTML file, just upload it to your preferred hosting service and distribute the URL it generates.


In conclusion, the Pywedge package offers a dependable and user-friendly means of creating interactive visualizations associated with ML. Pywedge's simple interface, extensive charting capabilities, and flexible configuration options make it a useful tool for data visualization and analysis. It opens up fresh avenues for data exploration and improves the dissemination of insights from ML models.

Updated on: 29-Sep-2023


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