input type week really exist in HTML5?

The <input> tag designates a field for user-enterable data. The most significant form element is the <input> element. Depending on the type attribute, the <input> element can be presented in a number of different ways.

The input element denotes a field for a week input because it has the value "week" in its type property. Instead of requiring users to input the value as a string, these fields could be represented in supporting browsers by controls that let users update it graphically (such as a calendar, for example).

Let’s jump into the article to discuss more about input type week really exist in HTML5.

<input type = week>

A week and year value can be entered into an input field created by the <input> tag with the type=week attribute. There is a calendar icon inside this area. This icon's click activates a week/year selector. Each browser has a unique user interface for the control. Support from browsers is patchy. A week and year formatted manual entry is also permitted in the week field.


Following is the syntax for HTML input type=week

<input type="week">

Let’s look into the following examples for getting better understanding on input type=” week”.


In the following example we are simply creating a <form> with a week control.

      <form action="#" target="_blank">
         <p>Choose Week:<input type="week" name="weekend">
         <input type="submit" value="SEND"></p>


When the script gets executed, it will generate an output consisting of an input field allowing the user to choose a week manually or by using the calendar provided, as the input field was set to type=week.


Considering the following example, we are providing a suggested value using <datalist> element.

      <form action="#" method="post" target="_blank">
         <p>Select Week For Vacation:<input type="week" name="week" list="weeklist">
         <input type="submit" value="SEND">
      <datalist id="weeklist">
         <option value="2016-W52">
            <option value="2016-W12">
               <option value="2017-W03">
                  <option value="2018-W05">
                     <option value="2018-W06">


On running the above script, it will generate an output consisting of an input field allowing the user to choose the week with the suggested values used in the script provided by the <datalist> element.


Look into the following example, where we are using min and max attribute to put restrictions to the values the user can input.

      <form action="#" target="_blank">
         <p>Choose Week:<input type="week" name="selectedweek" min="2017-W04" max="2017-W15">
         <input type="submit" value="SEND">


When the script gets executed, it will generate an output consisting of an input field allowing the user to choose the week that should be selected from a particular week as it was mentioned by using min and max attributes, which add restriction to the input.

Updated on: 11-Oct-2023


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