Inner Transition Elements


The valence electrons of inner transition metals are in the f-orbitals. Actinides as well as Lanthanides make up the inner transition metals. Actinides are soft metals that are radioactive and primarily manufactured. Inner transition elements have atomic nos. ranging from 58 to 71 as well as 90 to 103. The periodic table's bottom row is occupied by inner transition metals. Because of their rarity, these elements are sometimes known as rare earth elements. Lanthanides are classified as period 6, whereas actinides are classified as period 7.

What are Inner Transition Elements?

Inner transition elements are those in which the last electron reaches the f-orbital. The f-block is made up of components that eventually occupy the 4f as well as 5f orbitals. Since these elements are officially regarded as part of group three, they are shown in the periodic table as the f-block. They are also known as F-block elements.

They are divided into 2 families: actinides as well as lanthanides. They are from the 6π‘‘β„Ž and 7π‘‘β„Ž periods, respectively. The actinide series is made up of 14 elements (Z= 90- 103), from thorium to lawrencium. The 14 elements of the lanthanide series are cerium through lutetium (Z= 58-71).

Main Characteristics of Inner Transition Elements


  • They are metals that are pliable enough to be sliced with a knife

  • They are glossy as well as silvery in appearance.

  • The components respond differently depending on their basicity. Some individuals react quickly, while others take their time.

  • They can corrode or become brittle when combined with other metals or nonmetals.

  • Almost all of them combine to form a trivalent compound. They can infrequently create divalent or tetravalent compounds.

  • They have a magnetic character.


  • They are radioactive elements.

  • They have a high electro positivity.

  • Metals tarnish fast when exposed to air.

  • They are metals with a distinct structure as well as a high density.

  • They emit hydrogen gas $\mathrm{H_{2}}$ when they react with hot $\mathrm{H_{2}O}$ or dilute acid.

  • Actinide metals are frequently soft.

Electronic Configuration

Lanthanide βˆ’ $\mathrm{[Xe]4f^{1\:-\:14}5d^{0\:-\:1}6s^{2}}$

Actinide βˆ’ $\mathrm{[Rn]5f^{1\:-\:14}6d^{0\:-\:1}7s^{2}}$

  • For lanthanides commencing with cerium (atomic no. 58) as well as ending with lutetium (atomic no. 71), the electronic configurations of these elements are $\mathrm{4f^{1\:-\:14}5d^{0\:-\:1}6s^{2}}$ and $\mathrm{5f^{1\:-\:14}6d^{0\:-\:1}7s^{2}}$ for actinides commencing with thorium (atomic no. 90) and ending with lawrencium (atomic no. 103).

  • Because the f orbital π‘’βˆ’ have identical outer shell configurations as well as energy, the lanthanides and actinides are all expected to yield a +3-oxidation state. Because of the outer shell design as well as identical size, all the components in a series would have comparable characteristics, making separation difficult.

Similarities Between Lanthanoids and Actinoids

  • The last $\mathrm{e^{-}}$ introduced to the 4f orbital is said to belong to the πŸπ’”π’• series of transition elements. The lanthanoid series has fourteen elements after lanthanum. These are known as lanthanides or lanthanoids because they appear directly after lanthanum in the periodic table.

  • Actinides are $\mathrm{e^{-}}$ formed by sequentially filling 5f orbitals. They are so-called as they occur after the element actinium in the periodic table. The actinides series is made up of fourteen elements that range from thorium to lawrencium, also known as the πŸπ’π’… series of inner transitions.

Distinguish Between Lanthanoids and Actinoids

Lanthanides Actinides
Oxidation states βˆ’ +3 is the most common oxidation state. Other oxidation states include +2, +4, and +6. Oxidation states βˆ’ +3 is the most common oxidation state. Other oxidation states include +4, +5, and +6.
The last $\mathrm{e^{-}}$ enters a 4f orbital. The last $\mathrm{e^{-}}$ enters a 5f orbital.
Because the size of tri-positive ions (𝐿𝑛3+) decreases regularly, the drop in the atomic size is not constant. The atomic as well as ionic (tri- positive ion) sizes are gradually shrinking.
Their compounds have a lower basicity level. Their compounds have a greater basicity level.
There is fewer tendency for complex development. They have a far higher tendency to build complexes.
These elements, except for promethium, are non-radioactive. The elements are all radioactive.

Applications of Inner Transition Elements


  • Lanthanides are mostly used in lasers.

  • They are often utilized in eyeglass lenses due to their competency to deflect UV as well as infrared wavelengths.

  • Many lanthanides, a strong permanent magnet, may be formed by alloying metals such as neodymium, samarium, as well cerium as with others.

  • In addition, 2 lanthanides have radioactive isotopes with long half-lives ( 147π‘†π‘š as well as 176𝐿𝑒), which can be utilised to extract minerals and rocks from the earth, moon, and meteorites.


  • Nuclear weapons & reactors employ uranium and plutonium isotopes as fuel, whereas other nuclear reactor designs utilize thorium. Thorium is also utilised to coat tungsten wire in electrical equipment.

  • One type of smoke detector contains americium, which emits ionizing radiation.

  • Both nuclear weapons as well as nuclear power plants have employed uranium and plutonium.


Inner transition elements are those in which the last electron reaches the f-orbital. The f-block is made up of components that eventually occupy the 4f and 5f orbitals. Lanthanides are soft metals that may be sliced with a knife. They are glossy and silvery in appearance. Actinides are radioactive elements.

They have a high electro positivity. Lanthanides typically have an oxidation state of +3. Furthermore, in some situations, some lanthanides exhibit oxidation states of +2 or +4. The most common oxidation state for actinides is +3. Actinides also have several oxidation states, including +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, and +7.


1. Please identify the most frequent lanthanides?

The most prevalent lanthanide is cerium. Because there are four naturally occurring isotopes of cerium, namely 136𝐢𝑒, 138𝐢𝑒, 140𝐢𝑒 π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ 142𝐢𝑒. 140𝐢𝑒 accounts for approximately 88.48 percent of all cerium in nature. As a result, it is the most frequent lanthanide present.

2. What are the different properties of f-block elements?

The following are the characteristics of the f-block element βˆ’

  • Heavy metals are what these elements are.

  • They all have high melting as well as boiling temperatures.

  • They have various oxidation states.

  • They produce colourful ions.

  • They have a proclivity to generate complicated molecules.

3. Why are f-block components also known as Inner transition elements?

The electrical configuration of f-block constituents is unique. These elements' valence electrons move into the (n-2) f block, which is the "anti-penultimate energy level" as well as dwell in the f-orbital. This is why 'inner transition elements are also referred to as f-block elements.

4. Lanthanide contracts for what reason?

Lanthanide contracts owing to 4f-ineffective electrons or weak shielding action.

5. Which elements have the most varied oxidation states in their compounds, and why?

The element Americium has the most oxidation states of any element, with +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, and +7. No other element's compound has this many oxidation states.

Updated on: 24-Apr-2024


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