In the surgical method of birth control available for human females, the structures P in the reproductive system are cut and ligated (tied up) properly at both ends. This prevents the reproductive cell Q released by an organ R from entering the structures P so that Q is not available to fuse with another reproductive cell S coming from the male reproductive system. In this way, pregnancy is prevented.
(a)What are structures P?
(b)What is cell Q?
(c)Name the organ R.
(d)What is the reproductive cell S?
(e)What is the name of this surgical method of birth control available to females?

(a) In human females, the structure P which is cut and ligated (tied up) properly at both ends, under the surgical method of birth control, is oviduct.

(b) The cell Q which is prevented to release from oviduct is the eggs or ovum.

(c) The eggs or ovum are released by an organ ovary.

(d) During the surgical method of birth control, eggs are made non-available to fuse with reproductive cell S which is sperm.

(e) In females, the surgical method of birth control is known as tubectomy.

Updated on: 21-Mar-2023


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