Importance of rotation in PCS


A common statistical method used in many fields of data analysis and machine learning is principal component analysis (PCA). By transferring a dataset to a lower-dimensional space while retaining the majority of the original variables, it is frequently used to decrease the dimensionality of a dataset. The choice of the coordinate system, however, can significantly affect the outcomes of PCA. The idea of rotation enters the picture at this point. We may more clearly comprehend the underlying structure of the data and enhance the results' interpretability by rotating the coordinate system. We will examine the value of rotation in PCA and how it can be applied to more thoroughly comprehend and examine high-dimensional datasets in this post.

Why is PCA Important?

Because it makes complicated data sets simpler, PCA is a crucial tool for data scientists and machine learning practitioners. Working with large data sets may be complex, and interpreting the relationships between variables can be tough. A dataset's dimensionality is decreased through PCA by highlighting the most significant patterns and connections. Finding the principle components—a group of new variables—that best describe the variance in the data is the aim of principal component analysis (PCA).

The linear combination of the initial variables that captures the most variance in the data is the first principal component. The linear combination of the initial variables' second principal component is what captures the most variance that the first principal component did not previously record, and so on. Increasingly less variety in the data is captured by each succeeding main component. PCA is frequently used in machine learning for feature selection, data visualization, and data reduction. In addition to lowering the computational cost of machine learning methods, PCA may simplify the visualization and interpretation of complicated data by decreasing the dimensionality of a dataset.

What is Rotation in PCA?

Rotation is a crucial PCA phase that entails changing the coordinate system for the primary components. The rotation aims to improve the interpretability and comprehension of the primary components.

The main components are found using PCA on a dataset based on the correlation pattern of the original variables. However, because they are a linear combination of the initial variables, the resultant main components are sometimes challenging to comprehend. We can rotate the primary components to create a new, more comprehensible coordinate system that is easier to read.

The two most popular rotation techniques in PCA are known as Varimax rotation and Promax rotation. Varimax rotation is an instance of orthogonal rotation, in which case the primary components of the rotation are uncorrelated. Promax rotation, on the other hand, is a form of oblique rotation that enables correlation between the rotated main components.

The Importance of Rotation in PCA

  • Increasing interpretability − PCA generates a collection of principle components that are frequently challenging to comprehend when seen in the original coordinate system. We may better understand the primary components by aligning them with the underlying structure of the data by rotating the coordinate system.

  • Better variable separation − Rotating the coordinate system can also aid in better variable separation and the discovery of data patterns that were hidden by the original coordinate system. This might result in more accurate grouping and categorization of data items.

  • Address multicollinearity − In high-dimensional datasets, when two or more variables are significantly linked, multicollinearity is a prevalent problem. The accuracy and stability of the PCA findings can be increased by identifying and treating multicollinearity by rotating the coordinate system.

  • To prevent biased findings, carefully choose a rotation strategy that is appropriate for the data and the study. Different rotation methods might give different outcomes. We can guarantee the accuracy and objectivity of the PCA findings by doing this.

  • Reduce dimensionality − High-dimensional datasets can have their dimensionality reduced using PCA. To create a lower-dimensional dataset that is simpler to interpret and visualize, we may determine the most crucial dimensions and eliminate the less crucial ones by rotating the coordinate system.

  • Boost clustering and classification − We may boost the precision and stability of PCA-based clustering and classification algorithms by rotating the coordinate system to match the underlying structure of the data.

  • Improve model performance − Regression and classification models that are based on PCA can have their performance improved by selecting the most crucial dimensions through rotation.

  • Determine underlying variables − We may learn more about the underlying structure of the data and determine the most significant elements that lead to variance in the dataset by determining the underlying variables that support the main components through rotation.


PCA is an important tool for increasing interpretability, better variable separation, addressing multicollinearity, reducing dimensionality, boosting clustering and classification, improving model performance, determining underlying variables, and determining the most significant elements that lead to variance in the dataset. Rotating the coordinate system can help to align primary components with the underlying structure of the data, reduce dimensionality, and improve model performance. To prevent biased findings, carefully choose a rotation strategy that is appropriate for the data and the study.

Updated on: 10-Mar-2023

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