Importance of History


History allows us to understand how events shaped the world we live in today. We not only understand about ourselves and how humanity came to be by studying history, but we also gain the capacity to prevent errors and chart better courses for our communities.

Influence of History on Our Lives Today

Families and groups have been moved in the past, altering the composition of areas and sparking conflicts. Such occurrences have also resulted in the creation of governing structures that have endured for decades. And it all has an impact on everyone alive today.

For example, the Great Depression, which was one of the most terrible yet consequential eras in American history. The economic crisis laid off over 15 million people and displaced countless families, robbing them of their feeling of security. Many of those folks would live the entire life in fear.

The government has to figure out how to assist. This endeavour resulted in the creation of Social Security, government emergency relief programmes, and money for job creation. For millions of Americans, these reforms have made life more secure.

Hundreds of thousands of activities like this make up society today. The more you study about how these events occurred, the more you will be able to comprehend actual life.

Takeaway from History

There are a number of things we can learn about our history, such as -

  • What they ate, what they wore, and where they lived?

  • How did hunters, herders, farmers, monarchs, traders, priests, artisans, singers, and scientists spend their lives?

  • Games that children used to enjoy, tales that they heard, and songs that they sung.

History isn't a study of other people's lives. Although the individuals you read about lived hundreds or thousands of years ago, their actions have a direct impact on how we live now. Events that appear to be dates on a calendar have been watershed moments in our cultures' histories.

"Historical knowledge is communal memory that has been painstakingly and critically formed" - former president of the American Historical Association, William H. MacNeill

These stories are built and codified by historical study. History teaches us how we got to where we are and why we live the way we do. It's the study of humans and their role in a constantly changing world. We wouldn't be able to comprehend all of our successes and mistakes without it, and we'd continue to repeat patterns without progressing to something greater.

"Those who cannot recall the past are doomed to repeat it," - remarked Spanish philosopher George Santayana.

Living Conditions in the Past

For hundreds of thousands of years, people lived along the Narmada river's banks. These people resided along the Narmada River's bank because they were aware of the enormous variety of flora in the deciduous forest.

  • For food, they used to gather roots, fruits, and other forest stuff. They also hunted wild animals on occasion.

  • It was around 8000 years ago when women and men initially began to produce crops like wheat and barley.

  • People began to raise animals such as sheep, goats, and cattle and lived in communities.

  • Towards the north of the Vindhyas are the sites where rice was originally planted.

  • Cities grew up along the Ganges and its tributaries, as well as along the sea beaches, around 2500 years ago.

Magadha was the ancient name for the country south of the Ganges and its subsidiary rivers, which is today Bihar. Men and women relocated in pursuit of work as well as to avoid natural calamities such as floods and droughts. Our cultural traditions were enhanced by these population migrations. Over hundreds of years, people have exchanged new techniques for cutting stone, writing music, and even cooking.

Names of Places

Both words India and Bharat are used to refer to our country.

  • The Indus River, known in Sanskrit as Sindhu, is the source of the term India. The Hindos or Indos were named by the Iranians and Greeks who came via the northwest around 2500 years ago, and the country eastward of the river became called India.

  • The term Bharata was given to a group of people from the north-west who are referenced in the Rigveda, Sanskrit's oldest work (dated to about 3500 years ago). It was thereafter adopted for the country.

Reading About the Past

Reading old literature is one approach to learn about our past. Manuscripts are books that were handwritten. These were inscribed on palm leaves or the perfectly prepared bark of a Himalayan birch tree. These works covered a wide range of topics, including religious beliefs and customs, kingly lives, medicine, and science. There were also epics, poetry, and dramas.


Writings on pretty tough surfaces, such as stone or metal, are called inscriptions. When rulers wanted their instructions engraved so that people might see, read, and obey them in the past, they employed inscriptions. Other types of inscriptions exist, in which men and women (particularly kings and queens) memorialised their actions.

For example, combat victory records.

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An archaeologist is a someone who investigates the ruins of stone and brick constructions, as well as paintings and sculpture. They also look for tools, swords, pots, pans, decorations, and money by exploring and excavating. They also search for animal, bird, and fish bones to determine what people were eating in the past.

The term source is used by historians to describe the information discovered in manuscripts, inscriptions, and archaeology. Studying about the history becomes an experience once sources are located. Historians and archaeologists are more like detectives, delving into our pasts using all of these sources as clues.


Q1. What is the current location of 'Magada' in India?

Ans. Magadha was an ancient Indian kingdom located in what is now Bihar state in north-eastern India.

Q2. What is the significance of the term "manuscripts"?

Ans. They are created organically throughout the course of an individual's or an organization's existence to offer proof of human activity

Q3. What are India's ancient rivers?

Ans. The plains' soil is enriched by flood sediments from three rivers: the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra, making it extremely productive. These three rivers are India's oldest rivers.

Q4. Write the name of the Indian area where rice was first planted

Ans. The north of the Vindhyas is where rice was originally planted in India.

Q5. What exactly do you mean by tributaries?

Rivers which join a bigger river are known as tributaries.

Updated on: 13-Oct-2022


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