Image Compression Techniques That Will Help You Rank

Web image compression may have a dramatic effect on search engine results. In April 2010, Google announced that site speed would be a major ranking factor going forward. Consequently, reducing picture size has become the de facto standard for increasing load times. But, compared to importance and credibility, speed is still a minor factor.

Relevance and authority are two ends to which image compression and streamlined website loading times should contribute. Not remove such material or degrade a brand to make room. Sites with a lot of relevant and authoritative content continue to attract the attention of Google's crawlers. Google and other search engines ultimately strive to provide consumers with fast, relevant, and reliable results.

Images used on websites should always be compressed before being uploaded. Because of this, you'll lose weight just by yourself. Enough to keep the website's credibility and usefulness intact. The two have remained separate thanks to lossy and lossless picture compression methods.

How do you Define Image Compression?

When talking about data compression methods, picture compression is the most common and widely used method for digital images. This method is used to lessen the burden of picture transmission and storage.

Image compression, as opposed to more general data compression approaches, yields aesthetically attractive and statistically sound pictures. Using this method, a picture may be shrunk down to a manageable size without suffering any discernible loss in quality.

As image sizes are decreased, more pictures may be kept in the same amount of space. As a bonus, uploading and downloading pictures from the web takes far less time than a few years ago. Thus, you may get better pictures that take up less space, load more quickly, and boost your page rank.

Why Is It Necessary to Compress Images?

For websites, particularly mobile ones, photos must be lightweight or minimal in size. Having a quick download time is a top priority for mobile websites. Image compression is a practical method for this. Since compressed photos take up far less space, your website will load much more quickly.

Visuals are just as crucial as words when it comes to information. To put it simply, they are not an ornament. So, they need the same degree of caution as text.

Using relevant images helps to break up the text, making the page simpler to skim. This addition improves the entire user experience. Image compression may improve the user experience and boost your search engine optimization efforts.

Hence, instead of photos to make easy-to-read web pages, you should use images to increase your SEO ranking and provide a rich user experience. The only way to do this is to compress your photographs like you would compress text.

Methods of Picture Compression that Improve Search Engine Results

When compressing an image, how exactly does it happen? When compressing images, you may choose between two distinct methods: lossy and lossless.

Please take a moment to look at the two of them together.

Lossless Compression

To shrink an image's file size while keeping its original quality is the goal of lossless compression. It's analogous to a digital single-lens reflex camera (DSLR) that lets you choose between multiple image files formats like JPEG and RAW.

JPEG files take up less space and won't quickly fill up your hard disc, but you may lose some information in the converting process. If you are a professional user, you will benefit greatly from working with uncompressed RAW files.

Lossy Compression

When compressing images, the lossy compression method is another option since it eliminates data without changing the quality of the picture.

In order to become used to the lossy compression method, it might be helpful to practice by limiting the image's color palette to the most often used hues and saturations. It's a common approach for GIF images and is sometimes used for PNGs to reduce file sizes significantly.

With proper training and dithering, one may get results that are almost indistinguishable from the originals. Let's compare lossless and lossy image compression algorithms so that you can have a better grasp on both types of compression.

Both lossless and lossy image compression methods are available.

Although many options exist for compressing images, lossy and lossless compression is the most popular. You may determine which will most likely meet your needs by comparing the two methods.

Lossless Compression

By "image compression," we mean lowering a picture's file size while maintaining or improving image quality. This is often done by stripping extraneous information from images like JPEGs and PNGs.

Common lossless picture formats include BMP, GIF, PNG, and RAW. Remember that JPEG is a lossy format; thus, selecting the highest quality setting may lead to some picture artifacts or loss of clarity. This issue may arise even when using Photoshop's "save for web" option.

Lossless compression is preferred because it allows for the preservation of picture quality while yet reducing file size. Thus, lossless compression is ideal if you care about maintaining picture quality.

Lossy Compression

The term "image compression" is used to describe a method of reducing the size of a picture by eliminating details that weren't originally there. A change in this direction cannot be undone. As a result, after you've converted the picture to lossy, you can no longer change the original file. More compression results in lower-quality images. Lossy picture formats include GIFs and JPEGs.

Lossy compression's ability to drastically decrease file sizes is one of its most notable advantages. But, this comes with a significant drop in quality. You can usually choose the desired compression level in most programs, plugins, and utilities. That's why the more you try to squeeze a picture into a smaller file size, the worse it will seem.


The website's load time is crucial to improve the user experience and the site's overall rating. It's smart to put a lot of money into the content sector, but don't forget about the photos; they also have a significant impact on your website's SEO.

Now that you understand the value of image compression and the many methods at your disposal, you can work to improve your search engine rankings by compressing every picture on your website.

Updated on: 05-Apr-2023


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