If the element repeats, remove all its instances from array in JavaScript

We are required to write a function that takes in an array and returns a new array that have all duplicate values removed from it. The values that appeared more than once in the original array should not even appear for once in the new array.

For example, if the input is −

const arr = [763,55,43,22,32,43,763,43];

The output should be −

const output = [55, 22, 32];

Array.prototype.indexOf(): It returns the index of first occurrence of searched string if it exists, otherwise -1.

Array.prototype.lastIndexOf(): It returns the index of last occurrence of searched string if it exists, otherwise -1.

Therefore, let’s write the code for this function −


The code for this will be −

const arr = [763,55,43,22,32,43,763,43];
const deleteDuplicate = (arr) => {
   const output = arr.filter((item, index, array) => {
      return array.indexOf(item) === array.lastIndexOf(item);
   return output;


The output in the console will be −

[ 55, 22, 32 ]

Updated on: 20-Oct-2020


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