I often coin many words in English. How to get them into the dictionary?

Dictionary is a storehouse of knowledge and carries all words and the meanings which further helps us getting hold over the language. Some lexicographers may want to add new words which they have created into the dictionary. Some others might feel satisfied even by the heck of adding new words to customised dictionaries of The Microsoft Word and The Microsoft Outlook.

  • Add Words in Microsoft Word: The initial steps remain the same. After the Custom Dictionaries, One must click on the “New” button. If not this, then one can directly, right-click the word that is new, and chose “Add to Dictionary” from the Drop down menu that occurs.

  • Add Words in Popular Printed Dictionaries: This job is devoted to the editors who create ‘citations’ which contain not only the root word itself but also the context in which it has been used and some other related information. Now, the citations’ clarity of expression decides the addition of this testwork to the dictionary.

  • Add Words In Outlook: One can add words of their own interest in order to avoid repeatedly being marked erroneous by the spell check. Open the proofing options in Outlook > Click File > Options > Mail > Spelling and Autocorrect > Proofing > Suggest from main dictionary only check box is cleared > Click Custom Dictionaries > Select Add, edit or delete words in Custom Dictionary.


Not a single editor can decide whether the word is subject to be added or not. This word has to go through a series of tests in order to be victorious enough to be added to the dictionary. Hence, it is a matter of great labor on the part of the editors who remain engrossed in reading and marking operation.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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