Hybrid Cloud - Definition, Features, Advantages

Many forward−thinking firms use a hybrid mix of cloud services since not everything belongs in the public cloud. Hybrid clouds use the infrastructure already present in data centers while combining the benefits of public and private clouds.

What is Hybrid Cloud?

Using orchestration across many platforms, a hybrid cloud architecture includes on−premises infrastructure, private cloud services, and a public cloud like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure. To create a hybrid cloud system, we use a combination of public clouds, on−premises computing, and private clouds in your data center.

An IT architecture connecting at least one public and one private cloud is known as a hybrid cloud. Establish a single, flexible, and ideal cloud environment for executing a company's computing workloads; it offers orchestration, management, and application portability between them.

Features of Hybrid Cloud

Large businesses that need to handle vast data collections and a wide range of business processes are an ideal match for the hybrid cloud because of its many benefits, which make it an excellent match for large businesses. The hybrid cloud offers several important features, some of which are listed below.

1. Security and scalability

The highly scalable architecture of the public cloud and the strict data security of the private cloud is essential selling factors.

2. Increases in Operational Strength

Combining private and public cloud infrastructures increases processing capacity, allowing enterprises to manage various sorts of data.

3. Maintains a healthy balance

Businesses can have better control over their most important operations, data, and resources with the assistance of the private cloud architecture. However, executing complicated analytics algorithms and developing new apps may be completed much more quickly using public cloud computing.

4. Adaptability; suitability for a range of purposes

The hybrid cloud offers exceptional scalability, enabling seamless transitions between on−premises private cloud hardware and public cloud resources. Because of the hybrid cloud, help may be accessed from anywhere globally. And organizations have complete control over their systems, security, and policies.

5. An Unprecedented Combination

Companies cannot afford to be frugal with their resources in today's competitive economic environment. To reduce time to market, they must continue to release new things and iterate on old ones. This is possible because hybrid cloud architecture offers enterprises on−demand, infinite resources, enabling them to respond quickly to risks, demands, and changes in the business environment.

6. Robotics advancements

Due to the hybrid cloud's capacity to automate resource deployment, businesses may now scale their infrastructures more accurately.

7. IoT

Businesses may gather important information due to IoT devices enabling interoperability across corporate communication networks. IoT−enabled devices can grow in terms of control and security while keeping excellent performance thanks to hybrid cloud computing.

Advantages of Hybrid Cloud

According to a recent poll, just 13% of firms are now using a multi−cloud management platform. This provides evidence that implementing a unified hybrid cloud approach is still in its formative stages. However, these companies are already reaping the advantages of several important opportunities thanks to the change.

1. Improved developer productivity

A unified hybrid cloud platform allows development teams to build once and then deploy their code to many clouds. It also improves developer productivity by encouraging the adoption of Agile and DevOps processes.

2. Greater infrastructure efficiency

When the development and IT operations teams have finer−grained control over the infrastructure's resources, they can optimize spending across public cloud services, private cloud services, and cloud suppliers. A hybrid cloud allows for the faster migration of legacy apps, which helps businesses avoid more of the technical debt usually associated with on−premises infrastructure.

3. Better regulatory compliance and security

Gaining better regulatory compliance and security is possible with the help of a unified platform that allows for the consistent implementation of security and compliance across all environments and the use of the most advanced cloud security and regulatory compliance technologies.

4. Acceleration of the overall business process

Shorter product development cycles, quicker innovation and time−to−market, quicker responses to customer feedback, speedier delivery of applications closer to the client (for example, edge e−commerce), and faster integration and combination with partners or third parties to deliver new products and services all contribute to an overall acceleration of the business process.

5. Cost

In the long term, hybrid clouds may save a company money, allowing them to spend it elsewhere. Because hybrid clouds can be scaled up more rapidly and at a lesser cost, enterprises may save money as they grow. Because scaling is less of a burden, the company may grow and begin generating income much sooner than it would otherwise. When a company depends only on on−site storage, it may be unable to grow as rapidly as it might otherwise, resulting in higher potential costs.

6. Speed

Having total control over your network's resources may also result in a notable increase in speed. In hybrid cloud architecture, IT personnel may optimize the network to reduce latency and expedite the data transfer process, making it quicker than a public or multi−cloud setup. A hybrid design enables you to employ edge computing to improve the efficiency of your IT system even more.


When connecting an organization’s public cloud infrastructure with its customers' on−premises resources. Several of the largest IaaS providers have become more open in recent years after initially being hesitant. Several vendors have developed cross−platform technologies and partnered with organizations with deep relationships with business data centers.

Updated on: 01-Nov-2022


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