Human Geography: Definition and Meaning

Human Geography is one of the major branches of geography that focuses on the study of spatial distribution of human population and also analyses and interprets socio-cultural practices, languages, occupations, and the ways of governance. Furthermore, human geography also studies the inter-relationship between the socio-cultural environment of human beings and their physical environment. Likewise, the topics that human geography includes are, social, cultural, economic, historical, political, and even environmental.

Study of Human Geography Involves

Social Geography

it studies the structure, composition, and spatial distribution of the human population, which includes, caste system of society, religious affairs, stratification of society, socio-cultural practices, etc. Further, it also analyses and explains how the various social phenomena such as language, religion, caste, economy, and government vary from one place to another.

Historical Geography

it focuses on the study of the development of human beings in respect of different time periods. It also analyses and describes how people started interacting with their environment. In short, we can say that it is the study of space in time.

Economic Geography

primarily, it studies the location of different natural resources and industrial locations. Further, it also analyses and explains various economic activities such as patterns of agricultural practices, location of resources, set up of various industries, patterns and types of transportation, national and international trade, etc.

Political Geography

it focuses on the study of political processes, ways of governance, voting patterns, delimitation of constituencies, and national and international boundaries

Population Geography

it studies the structure, composition, density, and distribution of the population. Furthermore, it also analyses and explains the sex ratio, migration, birth rate, death rate, and growth rate in terms of space and time.

Geographical Thought

it focuses on the study of approaches through which geography as a discipline is investigated, analysed, and explained. It includes, historical approach, systematic approach, regional approach, environmental approach, possibilistic approach, spatial approach, behavioural approach, humanistic approach, and welfare approach.

Significance of Studying Human Geography

Human geography facilitates us to understand the various socio-cultural phenomena and enables us to analyse different geographic processes in this changing world. For example, the impact of human activities on the environment and the influence of various environmental phenomena on human lives and on their activities vice-versa. Furthermore, with the advancement of the technology, made human lives pretty sophisticated for performing daily activities.

Likewise, following are the major advantages of studying human geography −

  • Study of human geography helps us to understand the inter and intra-regional relationships, which helps to build a healthy relationship between the people of different regions.

  • Knowledge of human geography helps people to understand their immediate environment and establish a friendly relationship with them.

  • Study of human geography provides the information about different socio-cultural practices found in different geographic regions.

  • Study of human geography enables people of different geographic regions to learn and understand each other’s cultures and languages.

  • Knowledge of human geography, helps government to make and execute favourable plans and policies for the development of society at large.

  • Study of human geography helps government to maintain law and order in the society.

  • Study of human geography helps political parties to win the election and form their government.

  • Study of human geography helps us to know our past, especially in reference to the development of humans and their society and also how they interacted with their environment. In addition to this, it also helps us to understand the present trends in human development and predict the future occurrence.

  • Knowledge of human geography promotes tourism and helps the tourism industry to grow.

  • Knowledge of human geography helps industrialists and businessmen to find the potential markets for their products and services and promote international trade.


Moreover, as the major concern of geographers is to understand the earth as the home of humans; so human geography analyses and explains the changing relationship of human beings with the dynamic features of the earth’s surface. Likewise, the expansion of knowledge of human geography is beneficial not only for geographers, but also for many other disciplines, including sociology, political science, economics, history, demographic studies, urban or rural planning, agriculture sciences, business studies, trade and commerce, and tourism and travel.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key concepts in human geography?

Human geography encompasses a wide range of concepts that help in understanding the relationship between human societies and their environments. Likewise, the major terms that it includes and defines are space, region, landscape, religion, population, migration, urbanization, cultural landscape, etc.

What are examples of cultural landscapes in human geography?

Cultural landscapes in human geography are the areas that have been shaped and modified by human activities, reflecting the interplay between people and their environment. For example, tribal cultural landscape, village cultural landscape, urban cultural landscape, etc.

How does globalization impact human geography?

Globalization has a perceptible impact on human geography, influencing various aspects of human societies, landscapes, and spatial relationships. For example, impact on economic activities, cultural exchange, international migration, technological reach, fast urbanization.

Updated on: 07-Nov-2023


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