HTML value Attribute

The value attribute of the <meter> element specifies the current value of the gauge. This is a required attribute.

Following is the syntax −

<meter value="num">

Above, num represents the current value as a floating-point number.

Let us now see an example to implement the value attribute of the <meter> element −


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<!DOCTYPE html>
   <p>Girls pass % <meter min="0" low="0" high="100" max="100" value="80"></meter></p>
   <p>Boys pass %<meter min="0" low="0" high="100" max="100" value="70"></meter></p>


In the above example, we have set the pass percentage of girls as well as boys using the <meter> element. The current value is set using the value attribute −

Boys pass %<meter min="0" low="0" high="100" max="100" value="70"></meter>

Updated on: 29-Jun-2020


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