HTML DOM Style columnGap Property

The HTML DOM Style columnGap property is used to specify the space between columns of an element.

Following is the syntax for −

Setting the columnGap property − = "length|normal|initial|inherit"

The above properties are explained as follows −

LengthSpecifying the length used to set gap between columns
NormalThis is the default value specifying a gap of 1em between columns.
InitialFor setting this property to initial value.
InheritTo inherit the parent property value

Let us look at an example for the columnGap property −


 Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
   div {
      column-count: 4;
      column-gap: 50px;
      font-size: 1.2rem;
   function changeColumnGap(){
      document.getElementById("Sample").innerHTML="The column gap is now decreased";
      This is some sample text inside div. This is the second div line.This is the third div
      line.This is the fourth div line. This is the fifth div line.This is the sixth div line.
      This is the seventh div line. This is the eigtth div line.This is the ninth div line. This is
      the tenth div line.This is the eleventh div line. This is the twelth div line.This is the  thirteenth div
      line.This is the fourteen line. This is the fifteen div line.This is the sixteen div line. This  is the seventeen div line. This is the eighteen div line.
   <p>Change the above div column gap by clicking the below button</p>
   <button onclick="changeColumnGap()">Change Column Gap</button>
   <p id="Sample"></p>


On clicking the “Change Column Gap” button −

Updated on: 23-Oct-2019


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