HTML DOM blockquote object

The HTML DOM blockquote basically represent the HTML element <blockquote>. The <blockquote> element does not add any quotation marks unlike the <q> tag. We can create and access <blockquote> properties with the help of the blockquote object.


Following is the syntax for −

Creating the blockquote object −

var x = document.createElement("BLOCKQUOTE");


Let us see an example of the blockquote object −

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Click on the below button to create a blockquote object</p>
<button onclick="createBloc()">CREATE</button>
   function createBloc() {
      var x = document.createElement("BLOCKQUOTE");
      var t = document.createTextNode("This is a random block quote.This is some sample text.");
      x.setAttribute("cite", "");
      x.setAttribute("id", "myQuote");


This will produce the following output −

On clicking CREATE −

In the above example −

First, we have created a button CREATE to call createBloc() function.

<button onclick="createBloc()">CREATE</button>

The function createBloc() uses the createElement() method of the document object to create a <blockquote> element. Then using the createTextNode() method of the document object we created a text node with some text inside it. Using the setAttribute() method we add some attributes like cite, and id to the above created <blockquote>element. The element is then finally appended as a child to the document body using its appendChild() method.

function createBloc() {
   var x = document.createElement("BLOCKQUOTE");
   var t = document.createTextNode("This is a random block quote.This is some sample text.");
   x.setAttribute("cite", "");
   x.setAttribute("id", "myQuote");

Updated on: 20-Feb-2021


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