HTML DOM appendChild() Method

The HTML DOM appendChild() method is used to create and add a text node at the end of the list of child nodes. The appendChild() method can also be used to move an element from current position to a new position. Using appendChild() you can add new values to a list and can even add a new paragraph under another paragraph.


Following is the syntax for appendChild() Method −

node.appendChild( node )

Here, the parameter node is the object that you want to append. It is a compulsory parameter value.


Let us see an example of appendChild() Method −

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Click the button to create a paragraph and append it to the div</p>
<div id="SampleDIV">
A DIV element
<button onclick="AppendP()">Append</button>
   var x=1;
   function AppendP() {
      var paragraph = document.createElement("P");
      paragraph.innerHTML = "This is paragraph "+x;


This will produce the following output −

After clicking append 3 times: −

In the above example −

We have created a div with id “SampleDIV”. The appended node will act as child of this div.

<div id="SampleDIV">
A DIV element

We have then a button named “Append” which will execute the function AppendP()

<button onclick="AppendP()">Append</button>

The AppendP() function first creates a paragraph (p) element and assigns it to variable paragraph. Then some text is added to paragraph using innerHTML and a variable x is appended to text. This variable is incremented each time we click the ”Append” button. At last we append the newly created paragraph as a child node of the div element −

var x=1;
function AppendP() {
   var paragraph = document.createElement("P");
   paragraph.innerHTML = "This is paragraph "+x;

Updated on: 20-Feb-2021


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