HTML DOM Anchor search Property

The HTML DOM search property associated with the anchor tag (<a>) returns the query string part of the href property value. The query string part is after the ? in a url and is usually used to pass information to the server. It is used when a get request is sent to the server and information is embedded in cleartext in the link.


Following is the syntax for

  • a) Returning the search property
  • b) Setting the search property = querystring


Let us see an example of HTML DOM anchor search property −

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p><a id="myAnchor" target="_blank"
href="">Example Site</a></p>
<p>Click the button to change the querystring part of the above website</p>
<p>Inspect the url before clicking the button to inspect the changes</p>
<button onclick="demo()">Change Search</button>
   function demo() {
      document.getElementById("myAnchor").search = "program=Sample";


This will produce the following output −

Before checking ‘Show Form ID’ checkbox −

Without clicking on button “Change Search”, the links are as follows −

After clicking on the button “Change Search”, the link would be −

In the above example −

We have taken an anchor tag with search property to manipulate the search property value to set or return the search string value.

<p><a id="myAnchor" target="_blank"
href="">Example Site</a></p>

We have then created a button named “Change Search” to execute the myFunction() −

<button onclick="demo()">Change Search</button>

The myFunction() will change the search string part from id=”Username” to program=Sample

function demo() {
   document.getElementById("myAnchor").search = "program=Sample";

Updated on: 02-Jul-2020


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