HTML DOM Anchor protocol Property

The HTML DOM Anchor protocol property is used to set or return the protocol of a link in the href attribute.

Following is the syntax to set the protocol property −

anchorObj.protocol = protocol_url

Above, protocol_url is the protocol of the URL. The values can be http, https, ftp, etc.

Following is the syntax to return the protocol property −


Let us now see an example to implement the DOM Anchor protocol property −


 Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Demo Heading</h1>
<p>Link = <a id="mylink" hreflang="en" href="https −// −6064/abc.html/#new">Services</a></p>
<h2 id="myid"></h2>
<button onclick="display1()">Display pathname</button>
<button onclick="display2()">Display hreflang</button>
<button onclick="display3()">Display port</button>
<button onclick="display4()">Display protocol</button>
   function display1() {
      var a = document.getElementById("mylink").pathname;
      document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = a;
   function display2() {
      var a = document.getElementById("mylink").hreflang;
      document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = a;
   function display3() {
      var a = document.getElementById("mylink").port;
      document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = a;
   function display4() {
      var a = document.getElementById("mylink").protocol;
      document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = a;


Click on the “Display Protocol” button −

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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