How You Can Remove GPS and Other Metadata from Photos to Protect Your Privacy?

With the introduction of simple digital photography, adding more information to photographs became simple. Metadata includes the GPS coordinates of the photo's location, the date and time the photograph was taken, the camera make and shutter settings, and the software used to edit the photo.

Many photographers are unaware that their images may contain information. However, removing it before sharing photographs online is critical to safeguarding your identity and privacy, as well as the identities and privacy of anybody else who may appear in the images.

What is EXIF Metadata and How Does It Work?

The "Exchangeable Image File Standard," or EXIF, is a format for storing metadata associated with pictures. The following are examples of EXIF metadata −

  • Coordinates for the site where the photo was shot, in latitude and longitude

  • ISO, shutter speed, focal length, aperture, white balance, and lens type are all camera settings.

  • The camera's brand and model.

  • The snapshot was taken on this day and at this hour.

  • All applications are used to view or modify the photo, including their name and build.

  • This information may be valuable to other photographers in establishing how a shot was composed. People who want you evil, on the other hand, could find this knowledge valuable.

How Can I Tell Whether My Photos Include EXIF Metadata?

Fortunately, accessing and erasing EXIF metadata from photographs is a straightforward process.

How to access the data in Windows?

  • Select the picture file with the right-click menu.

  • From the right-click menu, select "Properties".

  • At the top of the "Properties" dialogue box, select the "Details" tab.

  • The metadata is given under "Details" is what will be saved, emailed, or posted online with your photo when you save, email, or upload it.

Is it Possible to Prevent My Device from Adding Metadata in the First Place?

You may make efforts to prevent most devices from adding information in the first place if you don't want to waste time erasing metadata from photographs. While each instrument is unique, there are some fundamental steps you may take to begin locating and deactivating metadata apps.

Begin by starting the camera app on your smartphone and navigating through the many settings until you locate the one that controls location. On most devices, you can turn off location metadata on images. It's possible that your smartphone's GPS won't gather or store coordinates if you don't turn it on.

How Can I Delete EXIF Metadata?

Windows Explorer makes deleting EXIF metadata from a single photo or a group of photographs a breeze. Take the following steps −

  • Open the folder in which your image files are stored.

  • Select all of the files from which you wish to remove EXIF metadata.

  • Choose "Properties" from the context menu when you right-click anywhere inside the chosen fields.

  • Select the "Details" tab from the drop-down menu.

  • A link "Remove Properties and Personal Information" may be found at the bottom of the "Details" tab. Please follow this link.

  • Windows will ask if you want to make a copy of the photo with this information deleted or if you want to delete the original. Select your preferred choice and click "OK",

Windows may have trouble eliminating GPS coordinate locations from a file in some instances. If this happens, consider downloading an EXIF metadata removal program from a third-party website.

"Metability QuickFix" is a free tool for removing GPS locations and other information from photographs. It's even easier to use than Windows: simply drag and drop your photo files into the software, then select "Quick Fix." After running these files via QuickFix, you should get an empty dialogue box when you check their "Properties" in Windows.

Updated on: 03-May-2022


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