How You Can Protect Your Smart Home from Hackers?

What is a Smart Home?

A smart home is an interesting house setting where appliances and equipment may be managed remotely using a mobile or other networked device from anywhere with an internet connection. A smart home's devices are connected through the internet, allowing the user to handle features such as home security, temperature, lighting, and a home theatre from afar.

How Does a Smart Home Work?

The electronics in a smart home are all networked and may be controlled from one central location—a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or gaming console. One home automation system can operate door locks, televisions, thermostats, home monitors, cameras, lights, and even appliances like the refrigerator. The system is installed on a smartphone or other networked device, and the user may set up timers for changes to take effect.

Self-learning capabilities are included in smart home appliances, allowing them to learn the homeowner's schedules and make modifications as needed. Lighting management in smart homes will enable homeowners to save money on energy by reducing the amount of power they consume. When motion is detected in the home while the homeowner is away, some home automation systems send an alarm to the homeowner, while others can summon the authorities—police or the fire department—in the event of an emergency.

What Happens if Your Smart Home is Not Secure?

What if a hacker gains unauthorised access to your smart thermostat's data to determine whether you're at home or away? Or access via an IoT device in order to launch a ransomware attack? A ransom might be requested to restore your system's functionality, with no guarantee that the cybercriminal will really do so.

What if someone gains access to the information you've shared with your digital assistants, such as an Amazon Echo or Google Home? Perhaps you exchanged passwords or financial details. It is possible that it will be discovered.

For example, cybercriminals have taken over baby monitors and spied on individuals through their webcams. Your privacy and security are always at risk if you possess a smart home gadget.

Tips to Make Your Smart Home Secure

You can use the following methods to secure your Smart Home and keep it protected from hackers −

Assign a Name to Your Router

Don't use the default name the manufacturer gave it since it might be used to identify the make or model. Give it a strange name that has nothing to do with you or your place. You don't want your router's name to reveal any personal information about you.

When using Wi-Fi, Use a Powerful Encryption Mechanism

When configuring Wi-Fi network access on your router, it's a good idea to choose a robust encryption mechanism, such as WPA2. This will aid in the security of your network and communications.

Create a Guest Wireless Network

Maintain the privacy of your Wi-Fi account. Visitors, friends, and family may connect to a separate network that isn't connected to your IoT devices.

Modify the Default Usernames and Passwords

Many IoT equipment comes with default passwords, which cybercriminals are likely to know. This gives them simple access to your IoT devices and, perhaps, the data they contain. Are you thinking about buying a gadget that won't let you alter the default password? Then think about another option.

Use Strong Passwords for Wi-Fi Networks and Device Accounts

Avoid using easy-to-guess phrases or passwords, such as "password" or "123456." Instead, create one-of-a-kind, complicated passwords with letters, numbers, and symbols. To improve your security, you might want to consider using a password manager. Make sure your devices' settings are correct.

Default privacy and security settings may be included on your IoT devices. You should think about adjusting them since certain default settings may benefit the manufacturer more than you.

Turn off Any Functions that You Don't Use

A range of services, such as remote access, are commonly enabled by default on IoT devices. Make sure it's turned off if you don't need it.

Keep Your Software Updated

Don't put off installing a software update that your smartphone maker provides you. It's possible that it's a fix for a security problem. Because you may connect to your smart Home via mobile devices, mobile security is crucial. Your IoT device manufacturers may also send you updates, or you may have to check their websites for them. To keep secure, make sure you download and install updates on your device.

Examine the IoT Devices Connected to Your Home Network

It's possible that it's time to replace that ageing security camera. Take the time to see whether newer models offer better security.

Use a Two-step Authentication System

Two-factor authentication such as a one-time code delivered to your phone helps keep criminals out of your accounts. Use two-factor authentication, or 2FA, if your smart-device apps support it.

Stay Away from Public Wi-Fi Networks

You might wish to manage your IoT devices from a coffee shop across town using your mobile device. Use a VPN if you're using public Wi-Fi, which is normally not a smart idea.

Keep an Eye on Power Disruptions

Ascertain that the device does not become insecure as a consequence of a hardware failure.

Updated on: 03-May-2022


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