How to Write Digital Marketing Proposals to Attract Your Client’s Attention?

Writing a killer digital marketing proposal can take your digital marketing business to the next level by attracting potential clients and boosting your ROI. Wouldn't it be great if a client says ‘Yes’ without worrying about minute details of a project proposal or asking too many questions? Sadly, that is not possible, but you can definitely break the ice in your client discussion meetings by presenting impactful digital marketing proposals before them.

Marketing proposals are vital for budgeting and strategizing your marketing decisions, be it while convincing your decision-making teams, or selling your eCommerce marketing services to clients. Read on to learn more about how to write an impactful digital marketing proposal and the things you can include in your proposal template. In the end, we have also added a sample for writing an engaging eCommerce marketing proposal.

What is a Marketing Proposal?

A marketing proposal refers to a written document that marketers use to communicate and outline the key points of a project to a client for further consideration and approval. It is basically a briefing of your marketing techniques that includes details about marketing (online or offline), potential advertising, brand awareness efforts, campaign plans, and more for a prospective client.

A marketing proposal also enables your key stakeholders to understand and communicate the scope of your projects and to gain better visibility in budget allocations. You need to write an attractive marketing proposal to receive the initial approval or go-ahead from your client, after which you can start brainstorming your project strategies and plans. Besides, a formal marketing proposal saves your team’s time in reinventing or recalling every detail of the process every time.

Tips for Writing an Impactful Digital Marketing Proposal

First impressions matter − be it while walking into a job interview or writing an eye-catching marketing proposal. Even if you are making everything from scratch, ensure to kill it in your first client meeting itself! An attractive proposal catches your prospect's attention. To help you write a convincing proposal, here are some easy steps −

  • Write compelling cover page content to make your first impressions right!

  • Summarize the details of the discovery session findings.

  • Outline the goals and challenges of your client’s eCommerce brand, and suggest possible recommendations and solutions to address the issues you have identified.

  • Explain the marketing strategies you have planned to implement to help your clients visualize how they are going to reach their goals.

  • Lay out a scope of work clearly in convincing yet simple language.

  • Determine and explain the methods by which you can measure success using performance analytics and real-time insights.

  • If the proposal is for a client (and not for internal teams), you can mention your unique selling propositions, explaining why you are the right digital marketing solution provider for their business.

  • Provide genuine proof of success by adding some testimonials or case studies.

  • In the end, mention the detailed terms and conditions or duration of the contract.

What Should You Include in a Digital Marketing Proposal?

Here are the two major components of an ideal digital marketing proposal.

Logistic Data

As a part of logistic information, you can share all relevant project or company details, such as the services you provide, such as social media management, eCommerce marketing, organic SEO, content creation, website designing, email marketing, and more. Here, you can also add other details like pricing or payment structures, duration of the project, expected delivery date, and other vital information that proves your credibility and professionalism.

Convincing Statements

In this section, you need to add a brief about how your eCommerce marketing solutions are going to benefit your client, such as in meeting their specific goals or boosting their brand image. Write an interesting proposal that influences your clients’ decisions about doing business with you. Make sure your message is able to create a positive impact on your potential clients.

To summarize, here are the things you can include in your digital marketing proposal −

  • Organic search and target market details

  • Your unique content marketing strategies and approaches

  • Social media management data, along with a few case studies of other clients (if possible)

  • Lead nurturing and sales readiness concepts

  • Paid search marketing (PPC) and paid social media technique details

  • Subscription program information

  • Creative design and development approaches

  • Add display campaign recommendations

  • Analytics and recommendations of the best optimization practices, such as landing page optimization conversion tracking, channel optimization, and creative optimization.

Digital Marketing Proposal Sample

If you are a newbie looking forward to getting your first clients, or if you are writing a formal digital marketing proposal for the first time, here’s a sample for your reference.


Here, add a line or two about who you are and what your digital marketing agency offers. Establish your market standing and credibility in your opening paragraphs. You can also include a brief index of your proposal in this section.

Why Us?

Here, provide a 360-degree overview of your company, its key stakeholders, the solution it provides, and a brief about work culture too. Furthermore, in this part, mention your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) and the features or traits your clients love you for.

Our Services

In this part, mention all the services or solutions you provide; don’t miss out on any, even if you feel a particular service may not be relevant to your target clients. Because you never know who is looking for what! Also, specify how your service would help your clients achieve their desired results.

Time Frame

Mention the expected time or duration of delivering your services to help your client make smarter strategies and informed decisions. Also, mention how long it will take for your team to start with the project implementation process.

Case Study

Your clients would love to hear from other clients who have enjoyed or are enjoying your services. Add real-client, patient case studies to make your proposal a more appealing and persuasive one. Positive reviews and case studies will help clients make positive decisions, thus also increasing your chances of being considered.


Under the pricing section, ensure to include all your pricing details or payment modules in the form of a neat table. You can also add package or subscription details if any. Such details maintain transparency and help your potential client plan their budget allocations more efficiently.


As the last step, we have the acceptance signatures of you and your client, and other concerned persons, such as key stakeholders, managers, team managers, etc.

Final Words

In conclusion, there's no single way of writing the best marketing proposal. Try experimenting with different approaches and include the target brand's spirit in mind while writing the proposal. In fact, you will always need to modify and personalize the above template to create the most impactful pitch. In the end, you will need to focus on your client’s needs and goals to make your proposal a success!

Updated on: 27-Feb-2023


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