How to watch hd movies without data drainage

Who doesn’t love watching HD movies, videos all the time? But the problem is it drains all our mobile data. Also, not all of us want to keep changing phone for watching HD stuff, so what to do? It’s OK don’t hassle in switching from one phone provider to another. Now you can watch movies without data drainage.

So this is the final good bye to missing out cool stuffy, now you can easily watch HD movies without data drainage. These little tips & tricks will help you save data while you are too busy watching HD videos & movies on your smart phones. Yes, you heard me you can watch HD videos on any carrier.

The adorable panda video or the funny baby video or the new political drama uploaded in Netflix, things which you never get tired of watching. Everything you can watch without breaking your bank. You will never drain your complete data while watching a single video, start browsing already.

Use Data-savings App to avoid Data Drainage

Extend your data plan and cut down the data of the video before it is loaded completely. Use data savings app like the Opera Max app. This will minimize your data usage in videos, movies, images and other websites, everything you browse across your phone.

Using these types of apps will save your data up to 60% that too while streaming videos on Netflix and YouTube. These data saving app will keep a record of megabytes saved after every data session. Cool right! Can’t wait to download a savings app & watch that movie in HD.

Stream on Wi-Fi connections: If you really love watching HD then love wifi, make it your best friend when you are on a limited data plan. As soon as you get Wifi connection and use it to its fullest, this will save your data plan to watch your videos without much traffic & disturbances.

The question is how do I know if I have a Wi-Fi hotspot? Easy, install an app like the Wi-Fi finder or the Wi-Fi analyzer that will help you identify and list all the Wi-Fi spots available within your range, some may be password protected while others may be not, there’s no harm trying your luck. In fact you can get free Wi-Fi in railway stations, malls or airport.

Turn down Video Quality to avoid Data Drainage

Adjust the screen resolution of the video according to the screen size of your smartphone. Like if your phone screen is small, then you don’t need high resolution while streaming video. This will ultimately help you save those extra megabytes you were wasting.

Infact, many video apps now give you the choice to change the video quality. Like in YouTube settings, we have a feature of changing video quality feature. All you have to do is tap the three-dots in the menu & click quality to lower it. In Netflix just log in and select from any of the three: Low (0.3GB/hour), Medium (0.7GB/hour) or High (up to 3GB/hour).

Set a Limit for your Data use to avoid High data Consumption

Nobody likes bad surprises, that too when a sudden message pops in your mobile screen informing you that your data pack has expired. So always put a limit on your data within your device. This simply enables the limiting of your data usage which will alert you when you have already exceeded or going to exceed your data limit.

Like Android users can set limit by going in the settings menu, then select the data usage option, there you have an option of setting data limit. This will notify you after every data session, or Apps like the Opera Max app they have a feature that will alert you every time any of your apps are using too much data.

Limit your Browsing to Extend Data

If you spend all your day on the internet and you cannot always get a Wi-Fi hotspot, then this is for you. Many browsers like the Opera Mini for Android and iOS use server side compression that makes browsing faster and the best part is that they are use up to 90% less data intensive.

The opera Mini has a feature of showing how much data is actually used while browsing. Here there’s a privacy strategy which every site you visit goes through Opera’s servers, in simple words some circuit boards are very accustomed to your browsing habits which is really worth for real data hogs.

Another important thing to note is that, be it the Opera’s browser or any browser which is pre-installed on your smart phone, use the mobile version of the site instead of the PC version. This will consume less data by design. If your browser doesn’t have a mobile version, then just add m in front of the url. like

Streaming Music without Data Loss

Nothing will sneak up you faster and eat up data than streaming music from a subscription service. This is especially true if you have no Wi-Fi access at work, or you have a long commute and you plug your smart phone into your car stereo. I’ve personally seen my data usage jump from an average of 300MB a month to 1.5GB over a three month period on an iPhone with an Rdio account. That’s dangerously close to the 2GB cap most carriers have imposed.

Before you start tuning into the angry rantings of talk radio on your commute, with a few adjustments you can still listen to your favorite songs while commuting. Mog, Rdio, Spotify, and Rhapsody allow you to download songs within their mobile apps for offline listening. The app-based services can cost up to $10/month, but for heavy users that’s still preferable to getting a huge bill because you couldn’t stop listening to Party in the USA.

Streaming Videos Consume a Lot of Data

When you start watching a video in YouTube, all you know is the time from when you started and you just don’t want to stop it. Like the time when you want to watch single episode of friends and you ended up watching 3 seasons – not to forget all your data was gone in the air.

When you watch a 3-minute video in You Tube it will consume approx. of 5.5MB & a 22 minutes Netflix will eat up to 105 MB of your data. But if you use mobile site of You Tube or Netflix & tap off the high quality video along with adjusting the screen resolution, it will consume a lot less data.

Background Apps and Services: Always check the items running on your background sucking up your bandwidth. You will find that most of these have minimal effect on your data usage, but these background items drain your battery adding up bandwidth wise.

IOS users get constant notifications for checking the updated information. You can track all the apps with the help of this feature. This can be done by going to Settings> Notifications. If the Push is turned on for your email, then your phone is already checking message. If not, Head to Settings–>Mails–>Fetch New Data.

Android users can also manage their background apps. For this go to Settings–>Accounts–>Sync–>Turn off Background data & Auto Sync. If Auto sync off sounds too much, then manage all the accounts individually. Just have a check on the Auto Sync regularly to see which apps are eating your data.

If all these tips & tricks means too drastic for you then try changing your data plan. Today Wi-Fi is so often at home & work, & you can use your data pack while travelling. But being little careful has no harm. Little changes can make a lot difference on the way you enjoy accessing internet & watching those HD videos.

Updated on: 12-May-2022

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