How to Wage War against Viruses

There’s no way around it – World Wide Web is a problem with all imaginable forms or viruses and malware and they aren’t going anywhere. The best we can do is to improve our means of protecting our devices, and thankfully, we’ve got technology on our side as well. Fighting against viruses is an ongoing thing since internet came to be in this world – the good, the bad and the ugly came together and you can’t have one without the other.

The first thing to do is ask yourself how much are you really investing into your internet security, and we’re not just talking about funds, but also about educating yourself about potential threats out there. If you want to keep your security in check, you have to be in the know and follow news about latest threats and problems that might occur. We’ll talk today about what you do to ward off pests of the internet and protect either your PC or your mobile device against viruses.

It All Starts With YOU

We will begin with the greatest risk factor there is and that is you. No matter what kind of pricey security program you’ve got, it won’t keep you safe unless you know what not to do when browsing the internet. Too many online security problems arise from lack of attention and one reckless click,

and sometimes that is all it takes to drag you through the world of trouble until you’ve fixed the problem. So, before you invest in anything else, spend some time researching what kind of threats lurk out there and how you can maneuver your way around them. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to keep yourself safe, but just because it’s simple doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it, remember, your online security starts with you.

Choosing Security Software

The foundation of your defense against viruses is strong security software. Most of us usually choose our antivirus programs based on whatever our tech-savvy friends recommend or what Google says is the best. With about million new viruses appearing every day, it is high time to be more thorough when it comes to picking the one thing that fends them off for us.

Think carefully about what kind of protection you need and with how much confidential information you manipulate. How catastrophic would the loss be if they were to fall into the wrong hands? If you’re a celebrity, a journalist or working for the government, then you better pay for some serious antivirus protection. You don’t even have to spend a lot, $40 a year comes a long way, because you get security software from a trustworthy company and with it come antimalware, antiphishing, firewall and email spam protection. In one swoop you cover all the weakest spots of your online security and you do it for a year, which will give you some peace of mind.

Keep an Eye on Your Passwords

Presuming you didn’t already take care of your passwords, do it now and do it well. Black-hat hackers have come up with an infinite number of ways to crack weak passwords effortlessly, so you better be sure that you’re a tough nut to crack. It isn’t easy remembering complicated passwords, but thankfully you don’t have to do it on your own, as you can always use password manager. These

handy little tools will not only manage your passwords and keep in check which is for what, but they will also generate new ones from time to time, so that you don’t have to think about it. If however, you prefer to come up with your own strong passwords, make sure that they have all the goodies in there – have both upper and lower case, squeeze in some numbers and don’t forget about special characters as well. Don’t go for the quick fix of important birthdays and your mother’s mother name, because that can all be cracked in less than ten seconds.

VPN Is Your Friend

Internet privacy goes hand in hand with security, but they are not the same thing. While security software can keep you safe from viruses and malware that attack your system directly, they can’t deal with the problem of tracking and surveillance that enables hackers to infect devices in the first place. To avoid somebody, monitoring your every move when you’re online, consider getting a virtual private network.

VPNs were created to protect your privacy by encrypting your every activity so that neither cybercriminals nor government can keep tags on you. But encryption is just one of the features that VPN offers, albeit the most important one. When using a VPN, you’ll be able to hide your IP address and make it appear like your physical location is somewhere else, which in itself allows you to skip over geo-blocking and restrictions whenever you need to. Picking the best VPN software for Windows or for your mobile device will again require research on your behalf, but once you get it right, you can be sure that your online privacy is in your hands and your hands alone.

Update and Backup Everything

Updating your operating system whenever an update is available is a must unless you want to leave your front door open for any virus and malware to just walk in. Also, don’t forget to update your

security software, as well as apps and programs that are constantly running on your device. Any outdated program presents a danger for your security, so don’t be lazy and update everything regularly. If you’re forgetful or simply don’t have the time to think about this, automate all update processes and leave everything to your device to handle.

Another useful piece of advice is to back up your files constantly, so that even if a virus does come through and wreak havoc on your computer, your most important files are still safely tucked away. Whether you choose to upload all the sensitive information on a cloud or you feel safer by doing backup on an external hard-drive, the most important thing is that you have the copy of everything someplace safe.

Viruses are not something that can be exterminated, but you can do your best to prevent them from being your problem. As you can see, all of these strategies are quite easy to follow through and the level of protection you’ll get is all-encompassing. – By Thomas Milva

Updated on: 22-Jan-2020


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