How To Use Technical SEO To Optimize For Top Stories?

By improving a website's technical standing, search engines will rank its pages higher. This is the goal of technical SEO. The three pillars of technical optimization are to speed up a website, make it simpler for crawlers to grasp, and improve its search engine visibility.

With the aid of On-page SEO, one can enhance website components for bettering the rank of a website. It contrasts with off-page SEO, which is concerned with expanding a website's visibility through other means. With the help of Technical SEO, one can optimize for top stories.

Why Must One Optimize Technically?

Google and different search engines always aim to provide the best results to the users. As a result, Google's robots crawl and assess web pages based on different criteria. How fast a page loads can affect the experience of an user for a particular website. There are other components make it easier for search engine robots to comprehend the content of your sites. Structured data, among other things, accomplish this. Thus, by improving technological elements, you make it easier for search engines to index and understand your website. If you succeed, your rank might increase.

The reverse is also accurate. Your website could suffer if you make serious technological mistakes. You would not be the first to fully stop search engines from indexing your website by accidentally adding a trailing slash in the wrong place in your robots.txt file.

However, do not imagine you need to concentrate on a website's technical specifications to appease search engines. Any website must function perfectly well to make a good impression. One must ensure it is simple for usage, and is fast and clear. Developing a solid technical basis results in a better user and search engine experience.

How Can One Use Technical SEOs To Optimize For Top Stories?

To Ensure That The Website Ranks Better On The Search Engine, The Stories Must Be Optimized As Top Stories. Here are some ways in which one can optimize the top stories.

Do Not Have Dead Links

We have talked about how frustrating it is to use slow websites. Landing on a page that does not exist may irritate visitors much more than at a slow pace. If someone clicks on a link on your website that leads them to a page that does not exist, they will receive a 404 error page. Your thoughtfully designed user experience gets hampered.

Additionally, these sites with dead links are not liked by search engines. Search engines have the ability to look for dead links than the users. The users clicks on different links they find and even on hidden links.

Websites undergo change when individuals add or remove matter. As a result, most websites constitutes dead links. Luckily, there are ways in which one can help recover dead links from the site.

When You Move or Delete a Page, You Should Redirect The URL To Avoid Needless Dead Links. It is Best To Reroute it to a Page That Replaces The Prior Page

It is secure

A secure website is one that has undergone technical optimisation. It is very essential in today’s times to keep the website secure for protecting the privacy of the users. Numerous things can be done to achieve this. Adding HTTPs is one such criteria.

HTTPS makes guarantee that nobody can listen in on the data being sent between the browser and the website. The details of the users are secure when they use a particular website. For activating HTTPs, one must secure an SSL certificate.

Google made HTTPS a ranking signal because it understands the value of security and prefers safe websites to their unsafe counterparts.

You can instantly see if your website has HTTPS in the majority of browsers. If your browser is safe, the search field has a lock on the left side. If you come across not secure phrase, then you and the software developer have loads of work to accomplish.

Ideal for Crawling

Search engines use robots to crawl your website. They are helpful in following links for finding materials on the site. The important stuff on your website will be clear to them with the help of a strong internal linking structure.

However, there are additional techniques to direct robots. One can prevent the robots from crawling a matter, if the website owner do not want to show a certain content. They can permit them to crawl a content and also instruct them to not include them in search engine results.

The Website is Fast

Web pages today must load quickly. People do not want to wait for the page to open because they are impatient. Since visitors will lose patience and visit another website if yours is too slow, you will lose all of that traffic.

Google understands that slow websites do not always provide the best user experience. They, therefore, favor websites that load quickly. A slow website gets even less traffic as a result of being ranked lower in the search results than its faster competitor. Page experience, or how quickly users perceive a website to load, has been formally recognized by Google as a ranking criterion as of 2021. It makes having pages load quickly enough more crucial than ever.

Not Confusing Search Engines With Similar Content

If the same content appears on multiple pages of your website or other websites, search engines may become confused. Since these pages display the same content, which page must be ranked first? If pages have similar materials, it can lead to low ranking for all pages.

Sadly, you might not even know that you have duplicate content problems. For technical reasons, the same content could display under numerous different URLs. It is difficult for users to understand any changes. However the search engines can detect same content even on another URL.

Luckily, this issue can be resolved technically. You can specify what the original page is, or the page you want to rank, using the so-called canonical link element.


Using Technical SEO for the website to optimize for top stories can be done simply by following the aforementioned methods. It will ensure a better ranking of the stories and optimize for popular stories.

Updated on: 14-Apr-2023


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