How to use Select Props in Material UI?

This article will cover the usage of features in Material UI. The "Select" component, an element of Material UI allows users to choose options from a menu. To customize the behavior and appearance of the Select component various props are available.

Select API

  • <Select> − This API is used to add the Select component to select data from a list of options in Material UI.


  • autoWidth − This property is used to set the width.

  • children − This property defines the options, for the menu items.

  • classes − This property is used to customize or add styles to an element.

  • defaultOpen − This property opens the component by default.

  • defaultValue − This property defines the default value.

  • displayEmpty − This property is used to display a value even if no item is selected.

  • IconComponent − This property is used to display an arrow icon.

  • id − This property is used to define the ID of the element.

  • input − This property adds an input field.

  • inputProps − This property defines props, for the input field.

  • label − This property labels the input field.

  • labelId − This property adds an ID to label associated with select.

  • MenuProps − This property defines additional props for the menu.

  • multiple − This prop supports multiple selection.

  • native − This property adds a native Select.

  • onChange − This prop triggers a callback function on input change.

  • onClose − This prop closes the select component.

  • onOpen − This prop opens the select component.

  • open − This prop shows the Select Component.

  • renderValue − This prop renders The Selected Value.

  • sx − The custom styles for Material UI components can be added using the sx prop.

  • value − This property is utilized to specify the input value.

  • variant − This property determines the options for selection.

Steps to use Props

Here are the steps for using various props with the Select component −

Step 1: Create a React application. Install MUI

Begin by opening your terminal and executing the command to create a new React application project.

npx create react app selectproject

Once the project is created, navigate to its directory by running −

cd selectproject

Now install Material UI using this command −

npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled

Step 2: Import and Utilize props in Select

Here's an example of how you can utilize props in select.

import { Select } from '@mui/material'

<Select readOnly value={state} onChange={handleState} label="Select">
   <Option>Option 1</Option>
   <Option>Option 2</Option>


In this example, we have used the variant prop of the select component.

import React from "react";
import { Box, FormControl, InputLabel } from "@mui/material";
import MenuItem from "@mui/material/MenuItem";
import Select from "@mui/material/Select";
import { useState } from "react";

const App = () => {
   const [state, setState] = useState("");

   const handleState = (e) => {

   return (
         <Box sx={{ p: 10 }}>
            <FormControl variant="outlined" sx={{ m: 1, minWidth: 120 }}>
               <InputLabel id="select">Select</InputLabel>
               <Select value={state} onChange={handleState} label="Select">
                  <MenuItem value={10}>Java</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={20}>Python</MenuItem>
            <FormControl variant="filled" sx={{ m: 1, minWidth: 120 }}>
               <InputLabel id="select">Select</InputLabel>
                  <MenuItem value={10}>Java</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={20}>Python</MenuItem>
            <FormControl variant="standard" sx={{ m: 1, minWidth: 120 }}>
               <InputLabel id="select">Select</InputLabel>
                  <MenuItem value={10}>Java</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={20}>Python</MenuItem>

export default App;



In this example, we have used the label prop of select component.

import React from "react";
import { Box, FormControl, InputLabel } from "@mui/material";
import MenuItem from "@mui/material/MenuItem";
import Select from "@mui/material/Select";
import { useState } from "react";

const App = () => {
   const [state, setState] = useState("");

   const handleState = (e) => {

   return (
         <Box sx={{ p: 10 }}>
            <FormControl variant="outlined" sx={{ m: 1, minWidth: 120 }}>
               <InputLabel id="select" label="Lang">Language</InputLabel>
               <Select value={state} onChange={handleState} label="Lang">
                  <MenuItem value={10}>Java</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={20}>Python</MenuItem>
            <FormControl variant="filled" sx={{ m: 1, minWidth: 120 }}>
               <InputLabel id="select">Language</InputLabel>
                  <MenuItem value={10}>Java</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={20}>Python</MenuItem>
            <FormControl variant="standard" sx={{ m: 1, minWidth: 120 }}>
               <InputLabel id="select">Language</InputLabel>
                  <MenuItem value={10}>Java</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={20}>Python</MenuItem>

export default App;



In this example, we have used the size prop of the select component.

import React from "react";
import { Box, FormControl, InputLabel } from "@mui/material";
import MenuItem from "@mui/material/MenuItem";
import Select from "@mui/material/Select";
import { useState } from "react";

const App = () => {
   const [state, setState] = useState("");

   const handleState = (e) => {

   return (
         <Box sx={{ p: 10 }}>
            <FormControl variant="outlined" sx={{ m: 1, minWidth: 120 }} size="small">
               <InputLabel id="select" label="Lang">Select</InputLabel>
               <Select autoWidth value={state} onChange={handleState} label="Lang">
                  <MenuItem value={10}>Java for Backend</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={20}>C++ for CP</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={30}>JavaScript for web</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={40}>Python for Data</MenuItem>
            <FormControl variant="outlined" sx={{ m: 1, minWidth: 120 }} size="medium">
               <InputLabel id="select" label="Lang">Select</InputLabel>
               <Select value={state} onChange={handleState} label="Lang">
                  <MenuItem value={10}>Java for Backend</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={20}>C++ for CP</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={30}>JavaScript for web</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={40}>Python for Data</MenuItem>

export default App;



In this example, we have used the disabled and readOnly props of the select component.

import React from "react";
import { Box, FormControl, InputLabel } from "@mui/material";
import MenuItem from "@mui/material/MenuItem";
import Select from "@mui/material/Select";
import { useState } from "react";

const App = () => {
   const [state, setState] = useState("");

   const handleState = (e) => {

   return (
         <Box sx={{ p: 10 }}>
            <FormControl variant="outlined" sx={{ m: 1, minWidth: 120 }} size="small">
               <InputLabel id="select" label="Lang">Select</InputLabel>
               <Select readOnly value={state} onChange={handleState} label="Lang">
                  <MenuItem value={10}>Java for Backend</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={20}>C++ for CP</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={30}>JavaScript for web</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={40}>Python for Data</MenuItem>
            <FormControl variant="outlined" sx={{ m: 1, minWidth: 120 }} size="medium">
               <InputLabel id="select" label="Lang">Select</InputLabel>
               <Select disabled value={state} onChange={handleState} label="Lang">
                  <MenuItem value={10}>Java for Backend</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={20}>C++ for CP</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={30}>JavaScript for web</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem value={40}>Python for Data</MenuItem>

export default App;


Updated on: 01-Nov-2023


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